Thinking about the Falklands

Lobster Issue £££

[…] political/economic structure is: find more oil. It is late 1981 and the British state has a problem. The only place it knows of where there are significant new oil deposits under possible British control is around the Falkland Islands. But the British claim to the Falkland Islands is extremely tenuous in international law. This […]

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A Note on MRA, CIA and L. Ron. Hubbard

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] political activism based on an impressively detailed study of ways in which leaders of the world based their judgements on one form or another of divine guidance. For example, our station chief in Kabul had reliably reported that Afghani politicians habitually settled deadlocks in their parliament with cockfights. Each side of the dispute would […]

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Clippings Digest to May 31st. 1984

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] May Various allegations of tapping during miner’s strike – see miners and police in this issue. MI5 Two pieces by Duncan Campbell and Steve Connor on MI5’s new nationwide 200 terminal computer net. New Statesman 2nd March, New Scientist 1st March 1984. Pieces are similar but not identical. Jurors for Bettaney trial vetted by […]

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Historical Notes

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] be familiar to Lobster readers from articles by myself and John Burnes in recent editions and there is no need to recycle it here. The most interesting new development concerns de Courcy’s connection with the Swedes. This revolved around the diplomat Bjorn Prytz, who was the intermediary between Britain and Germany in the abortive […]

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Churchill and The Focus

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] The Focus was founded by Walter Citrine, the General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress. In 1933 the World Jewish Economic Federation, under the direction of a New York attorney called Samuel Untermyer, had organised a trade boycott of Germany. The following year Untermyer and the Mayor of New York, Fiorello La Guardia, established […]

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Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

Steamshovel 11 The arrival of a new Steamshovel is an event. No matter that I am going to want to be picky about something in it, every issue contains items both substantial and intriguing – and much that would find a home nowhere else, that I can think of. (Except maybe Lobster. I wish […]

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PSYOPS in the 1980s

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

Maurice Tugwell/Centre For Conflict Studies More on the good Mr Tugwell and the Centre for Conflict Studies mentioned in issue 16. An article in the Canadian magazine New Maritimes (June 1986) describes CCS as ‘on the edge of the campus of the University of New Brunswick … the Centre staff is not, however University […]

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New Cloak, Old Dagger: How Britain’s Spies Came In From The Cold

Book cover
Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] 1980s of campaigns against the Wilson government we get nothing but repeated and unsubstantiated rubbishing of the late Peter Wright (pp. 17, 60, 65). There are some new fragments. He has interviewed a couple of the people who took part in the training of stay-behind groups in the cold war – the Gladio Network; […]

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] guys and lead researcher. Random House were scared off by the Pluto case, but Rachel Ehrenfeld has filed an interesting suit in the States to protect her new book, Funding Evil. () She’s asked a Manhattan court to block any claim by KbM on the grounds that UK libel laws are not enforceable in […]

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The 80 Greatest Conspiracies of all Time

Book Cover
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

The 80 Greatest Conspiracies of all Time Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen New York: Citadell; 2004; distributed in the UK by Turnaround (; p/b, £13.99   The latest edition of the Vankin-Whalen book, all 700 pages of it. The previous version was ‘The 70 greatest…’ and the authors haven’t bothered to write a new […]

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