Last Talons of the Eagle

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Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

Secret Nazi Technology which could have changed the course of WWII Gary Hyland and Anton Gill, Headline Books, 1998, £18.99 Thirty years ago schoolboys built model aeroplanes. The most common and popular were, for the Airfix generation, the main combat types of the last great war – Spitfires, Me109s, Mustangs, Zeros, Lancasters, Flying Fortresses etc … Read more

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Lobster Issue 48: Contents

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

Pieces without an author’s name are by the editor Parish Notices Thanks to: Tim Pendry, Chris Tame, Jane Affleck, Richard Alexander, Tom Easton and Robert Henderson. Among the Contributors to this Issue Michael Carlson has written books on the film directors Oliver Stone, Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood in the Pocket Essentials series. He has … Read more

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Orders for the Captain (Book review)

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

Publications Orders for the Captain James Kelly (Kelly-Kane, Bailieboro, Ireland, 1971/86) Kelly’s Genesis of Revolution, reviewed in Lobster 13 gave an overview of the Irish situation during the period 1969-73, from the Dublin arms trials to the failure of Sunningdale. It advanced the theory that a war of attrition between the British Army and the … Read more

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Spooks. Hollis. Tomlinson

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] letters to the House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee and John Wadham of Liberty, who has been acting for him, Tomlinson alleged that SIS planned to assassinate the Serb leader Slobodan Milosevich in 1992 and had an informant high up in the Bundesbank. (Sunday Times 30 August, 20 and 27 September 1998; Independent […]

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Starting Notes On The British In Vietnam

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

It is well known that counter insurgency expert Sir Robert Thompson, after his ‘success’ in Malaya, went to Vietnam, under the title of British Advisory Mission, to help the Americans. He was head of the mission until 1965, subsequently visiting Saigon a number of times before being appointed a special consultant by President Nixon. Less … Read more

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The Open Side of Secrecy: Britain’s Intelligence and Security Committee

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Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] secretary for approval.’ (p. 68) Do you believe either the FCO or its minister approved the SIS plans to pay a Libyan Al-Qaeda affiliate to try and assassinate Gadaffi, or to run disinformation into the British media before the attack on Iraq? No? Me neither. However, despite living in a kind of dream world […]

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Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

Shorts Yorkshire Post (14 March ’92) reported the admission by the Ministry of Defence that in an operation called HORNBEAM, trawlers had been used during the first Cold War to spy on Soviet shipping. But the MOD spokesperson refused to confirm that some trawlers had carried intelligence officers. Statewatch Bulletin (Jan/Feb 1992) includes an important … Read more

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Fleshing Out Skull and Bones

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society Ed. Kris Millegan Waterville (Oregon): TrineDay, 2003, (UK) £28.50, h/back Distributed in the UK by Gazelle Books,   As an illustration of how much the American media’s view of secret societies has changed in the last 20 years, have a look at … Read more

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Book Reviews

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Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££

Through The Looking Glass: British Foreign Policy In An Age Of Illusions Anthony Verrier (Cape, London 1983) This will probably turn out to be an important book, maybe even a little landmark in the (scanty) literature on British foreign policy since the war. So far it has been largely ignored by the literary/political establishment, receiving … Read more

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In camera injustice

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

Those who remember my case will be aware that in 1992/93 I was portrayed as a major KGB spy, featuring on the front pages of several national newspapers. My name later appeared in The Mitrokhin Archive, as did Melita Norwood – the ‘Granny Spy’ – but unlike her I have been largely ignored by those … Read more

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