Notes from the Underground: British Fascism 1974-92. Part 2

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

See also: Part 1: British Fascism 1974-92 (Lobster 23) Part 3: British fascism 1983-6 (Lobster 25) Part 4: British Fascism 1983-6 (II) (Lobster 26) The 1986 National Front Split (Lobster 29) Introduction In the first part of this essay, in Lobster 23, after reviewing the strategies adopted by significant British fascist parties in the period, … Read more

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

Bilderberged again Giles Radici’s Diaries 1980-2001 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004) isn’t terribly interesting but it does contain some snippets about Radici’s activities at the annual Anglo-German Konigswinter conference and one or two on his time at St Antony’s College (as a ‘parliamentary fellow’). There is also a section (pp. 336-7) on his attendance at … Read more

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SISies: MI6, and, A Life: A. J. Ayer (Book reviews)

Book cover
Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] and one of the co-founders of the Social Democratic Party. An odd, occasional visitor to these circles was William Whitelaw, who became Margaret Thatcher’s fixer after the murder of Airey Neave. Through the influence of his wife, Dee, a close friend of Susan Crosland, Ayer was once again politically active in the sixties but […]

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Letter from Fred Holroyd to The Guardian

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

This is the text of a letter The Guardian declined to print It was sent from Fred Holroyd on May 13th 1987 Dear sir, It comes as no surprise that Mrs Thatcher over reacted to the media attempting to discover the real facts of the Gibraltar shootings. Her attitude is vulnerable to close scrutiny, especially … Read more

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

One of many reasons why the lobbying industry attracts opprobrium is because Britain’s political system offers only limited public sector facility to those who wish to influence it but lack the funding and/or patronage to do so. ‘The lobbyists’ did not cause the injustice. It is up to government to come up with the solutions. … Read more

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Christic’s version of Dealey Plaza

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] – which was to be supervised directly by the Mafia’s Havana Lieutenant Santo Trafficante. This secret, “private” unit was to be a political assassination unit assigned to murder Cuban President Fidel Castro, his brother Raul Castro, Che Guevera and five other revolutionary Cuban government leaders. Former associates of Cuban dictator Batista and of Resorts […]

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Sources: Spectre. CAQ, etc

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

Spectre In the last Lobster 35 I reported on the new anti-EU magazine Spectre and wondered about its political orientation. In response, the editor, Steve McGiffen, sent an exemplary piece of candour from which here are some extracts. ‘….. Our original statement, sent out very widely, made it clear that we are minimalist to a … Read more

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JFK bits and pieces

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

JFK bits and pieces Paul Hoch recommends JFK:The Book of the Film (Applause Books, 211 West 71 St NY, NY 10023). This contains a footnoted JFK screenplay and about 350 pages of published articles, including some of the best anti-Stone stories. The final badge of honour was bestowed upon Stone’s movie by a long, ludicrous … Read more

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Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] as a copycat crime, carried out by unconnected criminals. It took nearly four months for the LAPD to arrest and indict Manson and co. for the two murder sprees. O’Neill sets out to prove that the powers-that-be of the LAPD knew early on that Manson and the Family were the murderers; which leads to […]


Lobster Issue

The British Gladio and the murder of Sergeant Speed Robin Ramsay Please note: the longer documents referred to in the footnotes below, can be found in a separate file in the Appendices here. Introduction During the (first) Cold War, NATO countries set up secret ‘stay behind’ networks with caches of arms, ammunition and food/drink […]

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