The Dungavel Handicap Scotland, Churchill and Rudolf Hess, 1941

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of the Churchill government. Prior to departing on his mission for Finland, Borenius was briefed by Claude Dansey and sent with the knowledge of the head of MI6, Colonel See or and also or the conclusion of which appears to be at odds with the facts. 28 Quoted in Matthew & Harrison (eds.), The […]

Operation Chiffon by Peter Taylor

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: Operation Chiffon: The Secret Story of MI5 and MI6 and the Road to Peace in Ireland Peter Taylor London: Bloomsbury, 2023 Hardback, £17 Nick Must This, the most recent in a long line of Peter Taylor’s works on the conflict in Northern Ireland, has been described in other reviews as ‘compelling’,1 ‘a gripping exploration’2 […]

Taylor Operation Chiffon

Lobster Issue

Operation Chiffon: The Secret Story of MI5 and MI6 and the Road to Peace in Ireland Peter Taylor London: Bloomsbury, 2023 Hardback, £17 Nick Must This, the most recent in a long line of Peter Taylor’s works on the conflict in Northern Ireland, has been described in other reviews as ‘compelling’,1 ‘a gripping exploration’2 […]

Sex scandals and sexual blackmail in America’s deep politics

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] TrumpRussia Dossier’, New York Times, 11 January 2017. No evidence has surfaced to corroborate these widely reported allegations, which appeared in an opposition research memos by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele. It remains to be seen whether Trump’s electoral success reflects a sea change in public attitudes or simply his unique ability to flout […]

South of the border

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of the border (occasional snippets from) Nick Must *new* From the dim and distant past Reading British spy Greville Wynne’s The Man From Moscow,1 I noticed that MI6 had set him up as a potential traitor. This was presumably done to ensure there was a fall-back position if it were deemed necessary that he […]

View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] Thus the headline in a piece by Covert Action’s editor, Jeremy 7 Kuzmarov, on 4 August 2023.18 The article’s subheading piles it on: ‘Secret Meeting with British MI6 Head Richard Moore Points to the Likelihood That Zelensky Is a British Intelligence Agent’. This was the first paragraph: In October 2020, on a visit to […]

View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] Thus the headline in a piece by Covert Action’s editor, Jeremy 7 Kuzmarov, on 4 August 2023.18 The article’s subheading piles it on: ‘Secret Meeting with British MI6 Head Richard Moore Points to the Likelihood That Zelensky Is a British Intelligence Agent’. This was the first paragraph: In October 2020, on a visit to […]

View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] Thus the headline in a piece by Covert Action’s editor, Jeremy 3 Kuzmarov, on 4 August 2023.5 The article’s subheading piles it on: ‘Secret Meeting with British MI6 Head Richard Moore Points to the Likelihood That Zelensky Is a British Intelligence Agent’. This was the first paragraph: In October 2020, on a visit to […]

View from Bridge 87pdf

Lobster Issue

[…] Diplomat’. Thus the headline in a piece by Covert Action’s editor, Jeremy Kuzmarov, on 4 August 2023.1 The article’s subheading piles it on: ‘Secret Meeting with British MI6 Head Richard Moore Points to the Likelihood That Zelensky Is a British Intelligence Agent’. This was the first paragraph: In October 2020, on a visit to […]

Team mercenary GB: Part 1 – the early years

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] field were involved in operations in the Yemen that were, at the very least, covertly approved by the government of the United Kingdom. Stephen Dorril’s book on MI6 has a chapter that details how both SIS and GCHQ provided what was, at times, significantly more than discrete assistance.3 The entire cadre of Stirling’s assistant […]

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