Afterword: the search for “Maurice Bishop”

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

See note (1) David Phillips, the former CIA officer considered by the Select Committee on Assassinations as a possible candidate for the true identity behind the cover name ‘”Maurice Bishop” -(2)- reacted strongly when this book was published in the summer of 1980. He contacted top executives in newspapers and television, making himself available to … Read more

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

Non-lethal weapons This is a scam, essentially. A smoke-screen of wacky bits and pieces – sticky stuff and gooey stuff and slippery stuff – conceals the real agenda, the development of various form of energy weapons. There was a big conference – billed ‘secret US only’ – in June this year, a ‘Detailed review of … Read more

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Web update

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

Thanks again to Terry Hanstock and David Turner for contributions. Although all URLs are checked shortly before publication, occasionally websites unaccountably disappear. Contributions, comments and info welcome – my email address is Secrecy, censorship FOI and released records Freedom of Information Draft Bill Link to the draft FOI Bill (May 1999) and FOI … Read more

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Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

The other Bilderberg Between 1964 and 1966 there was a little-known attempt to establish a new Commonwealth conference modelled on the Bilderberg Group, with Prince Philip lined up to take a leading role. Nothing ever came of it, mainly because of the impact that Rhodesia’s UDI had on Commonwealth affairs. Newly released documents from The … Read more

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Hess, ‘Hess’ and the ‘peace Party’ (Book review)

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

Hess: A Tale of Two Murders Hugh Thomas Hodder and Stoughton, London 1988 This is an update of Thomas’ 1979, The Murder of Rudolf Hess. Thomas argues (a) that the ‘Hess’ in Spandau prison wasn’t Hess at all but a double; and (b) that both the real and false Hess were murdered. The first proposition … Read more

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The View from the Bridge. Psy-ops. Common Cause. Larry Flynt. Hepple/Matthews. John Ware

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

A stranger harvest The best single volume on the alien abduction connundrum I have come across is C.D. B. Bryan’s Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1995). In it Linda Moulton Howe, the American film-maker who made A Strange Harvest about the ‘cattle mutilation’ phenomenon in the United States, describes to … Read more

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Why are we with Uncle Sam?

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

I was a student here (1) from 1971-74 doing a social science degree; but more importantly, between 1976 and 1982 I was on the dole much of the time and spent most of my days in the library here, educating myself in post-war history, American history, what was available then about the intelligence services – … Read more

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Shorts (KAL 007 & JFK)

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

Paul Johnson, former editor of the New Statesman turned ‘new right’ Thatcherite, turned his hack hand to KAL 007 in a review of Alexander Dallin’s Black Box KAL 007 and the Superpowers (University of California Press 1985) in the Times Literary Supplement (August 23 1985). Johnson asks the question: “How could a Korean pilot skilful … Read more

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The Pentagon’s Psychic Research

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] Inc., New York, 1990). Janet Morris split with Alexander because he wanted to classify it. See Wired February 1995 for the split. See also Steven Aftergood,’The Soft- Kill Fallacy’ in The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, September/October 1994. NOFORN= no foreigners. Records released by the US Army Security and Intelligence Command, August 1995. Records released […]

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Stalin’s granny, Christopher Andrew and the Cold War

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

I invited David Turner to begin writing a regular column for Lobster. He agreed then rang to tell me his computer had been attacked by a virus and could not meet my deadline. (He is the second contributor to this issue to have been virused recently.) But I had on file this splendid polemic written … Read more

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