Was the Director of Central Intelligence a Soviet agent?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] Donald Maclean – a rising star in his own right – was fingered by the U. S. government’s code breakers. Maclean and his too loyal friend Guy Burgess took the ferry to Calais, thence the train to Moscow, leaving Philby implicated, but not convicted, and intelligence services all over the Western world looking over […]

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PR, espionage and language

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] the Thames – there has been very little sign of SIS. One ‘sighting’ was its condemnation of a BBC dramatisation of the early lives of Messrs. Blunt, Burgess, McLean and Philby: the dramatist was blamed for a sensitivity by-pass SIS itself had created.() Another was in the Careers Section of London’s Evening Standard when […]

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] ‘Parliament Joan’ (c1600-1655?) and ‘Pickle the Spy’ (c1725-1761). More recent practitioners range from minor characters, such as Greville Wynne and John Vassall, to major operators – Blunt, Burgess, Maclean and Philby. ‘Spooks’ are also covered, with almost ninety members of the intelligence community listed. Many of these had other occupations – John Henry Bevan […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] Officer Minister, wrote of Bethell: ‘In my view the odds are a million to one against Bethell being a security risk in the sense that Maclean and Burgess and Philby were. But I think there may be a chance that he is a security risk in the sense that information, which he may pick […]

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Web Update

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] and consequences of biological and chemical agents; public health readiness for biological or chemical incidents. Rollback of South Africa’s Biological Warfare program www.usafa.af.mil/inss/ocp37.htm Feb. 2001, by Stephen Burgess and Helen Purkitt; USAF Inst for National Security Studies. This monograph analyses the origins and development of the sophisticated CBW program, ‘Project Coast’ developed by S. […]

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The Jew of Linz: Wittgenstein, Hitler and their Secret Battle for the Mind

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Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] that the evidence he adduces does not amount to conclusive proof, he makes an overwhelming case for rejecting the assumption that it was an Englishman who persuaded Burgess, Philby and Blunt to work for the Soviet Union. The author is an historical detective with a wide knowledge of philosophy, who excels at tracing the […]

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A key for a Clockwork Orange

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] some way related to espionage. These rumours were given the proverbial ‘shot in the arm’ with the 2002 publication of Roger Lewis’s scurrilous biography, entitled simply Anthony Burgess (published by Faber and Faber).2 Lewis engages in much speculation but the most substantial material concerns what Lewis was told when he made contact with an […]

007’s real mission continues

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Academy in New England and then Cambridge University in England, where he was a member of the Pitt Club, that later also included double-agent and defector Guy Burgess. After working at a bank for a while, Bond decided to devote his time to his primary interest – birds, and specialized on birds of the […]

Kelly Bond 007 text

Lobster Issue

[…] Academy in New England and then Cambridge University in England, where he was a member of the Pitt Club, that later also included double-agent and defector Guy Burgess. After working at a bank for a while, Bond decided to devote his time to his primary interest – birds, and specialized on birds of the […]

Kelly Bond 007 essay

Lobster Issue

[…] Academy in New England and then Cambridge University in England, where he was a member of the Pitt Club, that later also included double-agent and defector Guy Burgess. After working at a bank for a while, Bond decided to devote his time to his primary interest – birds, and specialized on birds of the […]

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