Right meets Left

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

Right meets Left The Robert Henderson/Tony Blair story. Having failed to persuade any section of the British political class then in power to do anything about a wrong he had suffered at the hands of the media, Robert Henderson wrote letters to the then Leader of the Opposition, Tony Blair – 13 letters in […]

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I married a war criminal

Book cover
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

Cherie Blair: Speaking for Myself Cherie Blair London: Little, Brown, 2008, h/b, £18.99   The relentless harrying of Neil Kinnock by the Murdoch press at the time of the 1992 general election outraged Labour Party people, among them Cherie Blair. This was the general election when The Sun proudly boasted that it was its […]

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Pissing in or pissing out? The ‘big tent’ of Green Alliance

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] chaired by Chris Fay, Chair of Shell UK. (7) The Kensington Tesco was the preferred location when the PM launched his 1999 ‘Annual Report’. In October 2000 Blair gave the major keynote speech to a Conference on the Environment jointly hosted by the CBI and Green Alliance. (8) Finally, the rumour post election that […]

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Historical Notes: Blair and Gladstone

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

Blair and Gladstone Tony Blair’s Labour Party conference speech this year galvanised the delegates who were especially moved by his suggestions that Britain could play the role of an international troubleshooter, bringing liberal values, civilisation and the benefits of its skills in conflict resolution to troubled parts of the world. There were however […]

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Euro-bound? Or: the same river twice

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] mark 1 without all the pseudoscience about the money supply. Because it has started from lower inflation than existed in 1980 the interest rate rises under Brown/ Blair have not – yet – had to have been to be as savage as those of Thatcher/Howe in the early 1980s. Even Hugo Young has noticed […]

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Tittle-tattle 1

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] British American Project. Both were officials of the Tribune Group of Labour MPs as it became a tame leadership vehicle. Both were very close to Mandy and Blair. Both were very much modernising members of the New Labour Cabinet after the 1997 election. And both were thrown out of the Cabinet. While Smith merits […]

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Confessions of a Crawler

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] go-between, first with Margaret Thatcher, and later with John Major. This material is extremely interesting, providing, among other things, an insider’s account of Murdoch’s embrace of Tony Blair and New Labour. In a country with a more robust democratic tradition what Wyatt reveals would be a scandal, in Britain we have become so used […]

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New Labour, New Atlanticism: US and Tory intervention in the unions since the 1970s

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

All four of Tony Blair’s new political appointees at the Ministry of Defence are part of Labour’s Atlanticist network. Three of them, George Robertson, Lord John Gilbert and John Speller, are members of two interrelated bodies, the Atlantic Council and its labour movement wing, the Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic Understanding (TUCETU). The […]

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The New European Order – judges, modernising conservatives and Tony Blair

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] It is stoic, it is Roman, it is Western. There is also a pragmatism about which politicians to back and which to let go – so that Blair and the ex-Maoist Barroso are in, and the traditionalist Gaullist Chirac is out. This is where we need more research. What are the neo-conservatives doing in […]

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The view from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] attempt to do a deal with the Blair-led Labour Party, there are some other interesting snippets; and, through Ashdown’s eyes, there is a detailed portrait of Tony Blair which suggests that Rory Bremner’s impersonation of him on Channel 4 has got it about right. Pages and pages of conversation with Blair are reproduced verbatim. […]

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