The View from the Bridge. Psy-ops. Common Cause. Larry Flynt. Hepple/Matthews. John Ware

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] 1988/9 ….the work involved my joining the British National Party and meeting some very dangerous individuals. Within weeks of moving to London I was working at the BNP headquarters where I had access to the names and addresses of hundreds of fascist activists and sympathisers. These were passed onto the Searchlight team. In addition, […]

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Another Searchlight smear job

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] Eye 3, p. 5) was about the agent provocateur Tim Hepple who worked on behalf of Searchlight and was, according to them, meant to be infiltrating the BNP. Hepple, however spent a lot of time infi-trating green and anarchist groups, urging them towards violence. The Hepple episode took place in the last 2-3 years […]

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The 1986 National Front Split, Part 1

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] The first one I have come across is a short letter from Worcester branch, dated 21 April 1986, announcing that some members were leaving to form a BNP branch. The next is from Wilfrid Smith, chairman of Blackpool and Fylde branch who, in July 1986, issued a vain appeal to ‘everybody to settle their […]

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Directory of British Political Organisations, 1994

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] assessment.’ ‘Political’ is defined in the broadest terms, so entries include not only merely ideological and political groups or parties, like the SWP, or Militant, or the BNP, but single issue pressure groups supporting environmentalism, animal rights, health issues and the like. Quangos, charities, think tanks, professional bodies (like the BMA), trade unions and […]

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Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] TW, Box NDF, 72 Radford Rd., Hyson Green, Nottingham NG7. Shot by both sides: a response to paranoia and disinformation, by Paul Cox Cox was in the BNP when young, changed his mind and has since been researching the British right for a book. He contacted Gerry Gable at Searchlight who offered to swop […]

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Common Cause

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] is the racist Lady Birdwood who reappears in the sixties and seventies Patriotic Party – see George Thayer, The British Political Fringe (London 1965) p 61. The BNP reference is in Report on Fascist Organisations by Christopher J. Cowling in NCCL archives, DCL box 42, folder 10. This emerged in the course of the […]

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Failed Führers: A History of Britain’s Extreme Right by Graham Macklin

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] same time insisting that the Jewish conspiracy they exposed was undoubtedly real. (p. 222) In February 1967, the League merged with the then British National Party ( BNP) and the Racial Preservation Society (RPS) to form the National Front (NF). Chesterton was its founding chair and remained a leading figure up until 1970. He […]

What Did You Do During the War? The Last Throes of the British Pro-Nazi Right, 1940-45 by Richard Griffiths

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] they founded the British National Party, the Constitutional Research Association, the British League of Ex-Servicemen and Women, and the British People’s Party. In the case of the BNP, its leaders decided on a policy of deliberate camouflage. All mention of Fascism and National Socialism was banned, and while the party would still be anti-Jewish, […]

Holding Pattern

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] was alleged to have shouted ‘Britain first!’ during the attack.6 0 Britain First is the name of a minor far-right party formed by breakaway members of the BNP in 2011, and as it happens Clarke Rothwell, the chief eyewitness who claimed the killer shouted 59 60 ‘Britain first!’,6 1 has been named as a […]

Brexit: an accident waiting to happen

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Cameron an overall majority. Historically the losers have been the smaller parties: Liberal Democrats, the SNP (until 2015), Plaid Cymru, the Greens, the SDP (1981-87), UKIP, the BNP and Respect. In the general elections of 2010 and 2015 these accounted between them for 31% and 30% of votes respectively. Had the 2015 House of […]

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