Our Friends in the North West: The Owen Oyston Affair

Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££

[…] sensitive.’ His notes include allegations of corrupt behaviour by Councillor Frank McGrath, deputy Labour leader of Preston Council. He noted his press contacts as Andrew Jennings of BBC and Roger Ratcliffe of Sunday Times. . 1984 Murrin reported meeting Tom Cato, a Tory businessman from Fleetwood, who was a client of Chris More’s detective […]

Philby naming names

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] anti-Soviet propaganda and espionage campaign into other European countries. A direct invitation to that is being issued by BIS agents through publications and by the radio corporation BBC. My attention in this case was caught by an article published in the London newspaper Financial Times where on one hand conclusions are drawn concerning the […]

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] a bad few months for the British media’s relationship with the psy-ops boys in SIS. First the BBC’s David Shukman fronted a piece apparently planted on the BBC by them which claimed that an African company Oryx was a source of funds for al-Qaeda. Oops! Name confusion. Cue large legal action by Oryx. (4) […]

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The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11

Lobster Issue free article

[…] own merits “According to the UN, opium production peaked in 2004 to near record levels of 4,200 metric tonnes – nearly 90% of the world market” ( BBC News, 4/26/05, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/4487433.stm). The former dominance of the Burma drug trade by the Taiwan-based Guomindang (GMD) has now been replaced in press accounts by the control […]

Some examples of corporate, cultural and state PR

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] Seasoned non-spook diplomats were always annoyed some spook analysis was based on recycling overseas newspaper articles (open source). The modern equivalent is mining the net. See also BBC Ten O clock News, ‘Online Jihadism’, 25 October 2006 BAA rather ruined the airport safety message with point 2 of its Important Information to travellers, reading: […]

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Lying about Iraq

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] Campbell and his people in the CIC preparing the second ‘intelligence-based dossier’ which was endorsed by Colin Powell at the UN. On 5 February 2003 Andrew Gilligan, BBC Defence Correspondent, and formerly at the Sunday Telegraph, announced that he had received a leaked document from Defence Intelligence staff – i.e. the military – which […]

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Britain spinning in the Sibel Edmonds web

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] B. S. A. Tahir, Griffin was named as a middleman for a project to create a machine shop in Libya. Griffin subsequently won libel cases against the BBC (26) and The Guardian27 for alleging that he had been knowingly involved in assisting the Libyan regime in developing its nuclear programme. He claimed complete ignorance […]

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Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] Washington years have eased them up the career tree back in London. Michael White, still busy dissing any possibility of political conspiracy to his Guardian readers and BBC listeners despite being a Washington hack during President Reagan’s IranContra years, is probably the worst of them in this regard. But his old Guardian colleague, Jim […]

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After Kelly: ‘After Dark’, David Kelly and lessons learned

Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] thousand years later people still understand them to reflect reality. Gilligan would probably not want to be seen as a latter-day biblical evangelist but he (and the BBC) suffered mainly because of what philosophers might call a category error. Academics and lawyers (including but not only Tony Blair and Lord Hutton) examined what he […]

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Non-lethality: John B. Alexander, the Pentagon’s Penguin

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] BBC1 and BBC2 showed on their main evening news bulletins a rather lengthy piece concerning America’s latest development in weaponry — the non-lethal weapons concept. David Shukman, BBC Defence Correspondent, interviewed (Retired) U.S. Army Colonel John B. Alexander and Janet Morris, two of the main proponents of the concept. (1) The concept of non-lethal […]

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