George Korkala’s address book

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

[…] 783-1411 Paper Tiger 5843737 Exhibition Rd Proparms Ltd 514 658-5207 Lesley Rust PRB (Arms) – M3 – 7710040 Pierre Kanou Tlx 25411 Defrou B Picker Canada PLO 103 Park NYC – 6863530 Quantex – 408 733-6730 Joe Clifford Paul Meangers Quality Mag Frank Taylor 486-9300 Yuri Radziewsky 212 490-1382 Rigaku, USA 617 7772446 Dave […]

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Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] Summer 2007, pp. 353-372. See also Peter Knight, ‘Outrageous conspiracy theories: popular and official Responses to 9/11 in Germany and the United States’, New German Critique, ( 103), Winter 2008, pp. 165-193. This is a special issue devoted to ‘Dark powers: conspiracies and conspiracy theory in history and literature’. Jeremy Clarke, ‘Secrets and lies’, […]

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] victims of the national security state’, Identities, 4 (3/4) (1998), pp. 389-430. – ‘The Cold War context of the FBI’s investigation of Leslie A. White’, American Anthropologist, 103 (1) (2001), pp. 164-167. ‘Past wars, present dangers, future anthropologies’, Anthropology Today, 18 (1) (February 2002), pp. 3-5. ‘ “Terrorism” and the responsibility of the anthropologist’, […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] not only had a rapid rise to the top in her journalistic career, she’s been lucky in her travel arrangements. She was booked on Pan Am Flight 103 that left London for New York on December 21, 1988. She told Sunday Telegraph readers on the 10th anniversary of the Lockerbie disaster: ‘About a week […]

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The Crux of the Matter

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

There is an unmistakable thread running through America’s move eastward since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Using their vast economic clout – in the form of loans, grants and sanctions – and backed by threatening military supremacy (to say nothing of the devious use of ‘unattributable’ mercenary groups such as the MPRI), … Read more

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] Cottrell, recently sent me the text of his new book on Lockerbie, Ashes in the Fall: Iran-Contra, the godfather of terror and the bombing of Pan Am 103 (forthcoming from Red Door).81 The paragraphs below are from the introduction. I have not been following Lockerbie and this was new to me and thus, perhaps, […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Cottrell, recently sent me the text of his new book on Lockerbie, Ashes in the Fall: Iran-Contra, the godfather of terror and the bombing of Pan Am 103 (forthcoming from Red Door).81 The paragraphs below are from the introduction. I have not been following Lockerbie and this was new to me and thus, perhaps, […]

Megrahi – You Are My Jury: The Lockerbie Evidence by John Ashton

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] system, and many of its senior members, emerge from Lockerbie with little credit. But, as the canny First Minister also says, the fate of Pan Am Flight 103 on that December evening is caught up in matters of high political import. The feelings of al-Megrahi’s family and friends come very low on the agendas […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] working on Lockerbie for a long time and he has concluded: ‘New Evidence and Logic have led me to rewrite 30 years of History. Pan Am Flight 103 disintegrated in flight over Lockerbie on December 21 1988 because of a massive structural failure due to well-known issues of metal fatigue in section 41 and […]

Blackmail in the Deep State: From the Bay of Pigs and JFK Assassination to Watergate

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] a quote from Maheu, refusing to comment. 101 Jack Anderson, ‘Two Ghosts Haunt Nixon’s Campaign’, Washington Post, 24 January 1972. 102 Feldstein, Poisoning the Press, pp. 222-223. 103 In 1969, Pearson and Anderson had broken a story about Bebe Rebozo and Herbert Klein, Nixon’s communications director, visiting Continues at the foot of the next […]

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