The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] most commentators didn’t believe him. I don’t know.) (3) ‘The best fake Maoists’ In October Radio Netherlands reported on the memoirs of a former member the Dutch security service (BVD), Frits Hoekstra. This includes the BVD’s creation of a fake Maoist party in the 1970s, which fooled everyone, including the Chinese government. (4)The BVD […]

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Harassing Robert Henderson

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] I made a subject access request to MI5 under the 1998 DPA act when it became ‘live’ in 2000. I received a reply which took the regulation Security Service ‘We can neither confirm nor deny’ line. This appeared to be in direct contradiction of the 1998 DPA and the Human Rights Act (HRA). Accordingly […]

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] some commentators, concentrated ministerial minds, with proposals likely to follow after the next election. (9) Beyond our Ken Kenneth Tynan’s encounter with the SISS (the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee) (10) in May 1960 is described in Dominic Shellard’s recent biography. The previous year Tynan had produced a television documentary, We Dissent, intended to ‘ […]

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Drugs and Parafascism: Orlando Bosch and Christian David

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] August 1976. (66) It is quite possible that this collaboration was facilitated through the international narcotics traffic, since both Lopez Rega and Bosch, along with other high-level security figures in Latin America, have been accused of financing their anti-Communist activities in part through cocaine. (67) Bosch’s daughter and son-in-law, Miriam and Carlos Rogers, were […]

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Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] on Echelon which triggered the on-going Echelon controversy. Extracts from it are at Spooks down under Dr David Turner writes: the story of how the Australian security files were prised open (and what they reveal) is an interesting one. Below are some useful links on this. – David McKnight, ‘Australia’s Spies and […]

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Mark Felt, Jason Blair and ‘Misty Beethoven’

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] written after Watergate (and virtually uncirculated), McCord put forward a conspiracy theory suggesting that the Rockefeller family was lunging for complete control over the government’s critical national security functions, using the Council on Foreign Relations and Henry Kissinger as its surrogates. Felt, McCord and a boatload of liberals weren’t the only ones to demonize […]

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A Bilderberg Press Release

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] Bentsen, Lloyd M. Former Secretary of the Treasury; Partner, Verner Liipfert Bernhard McPherson and Hand, Chartered (??) USA Berger, Samuel R. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs USA Bergsten, C. Fred Director, Institute for International Economics USA Bernstein Richard Book Critic, New York Times USA Bryan, John H. Chairman and CEO, Sara […]

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9/11’s Trainer in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant

Lobster Issue free article

[…] It’s time to confront the reality that these agencies themselves, and their own sponsorship and protection of terrorist activities, have aggravated the greatest threats to our national security. Scott Ritter and others have written that, at this very moment, CIA-backed bombings are being undertaken in Iran by the Mujahideen e-Khalq (MEK or MKO), an […]

Brief Notes on the Political Importance of Secret Societies (Part 2)

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] Army intelligence officer and CIA contract agent. In the Fall of 1964, Kimsey, having retired from the CIA with Dulles, was working with McDonald, then Chief of Security for Republican Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. Kimsey allegedly told McDonald at that time details of the plot to kill Kennedy. The actual assassin, Kimsey maintained, was […]

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The Terrorism Industry (Book review)

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] Centre for Conflict Studies and Mackenzie Institute in Canada (Charters/Tugwell), the Jonathan Institute and Jaffee Centre in Israel; and in America, the Georgetown CSIS, Heritage Foundation, American Security Council (Singlaub/Stilwell), the International Security Council (Moonies), the Nathan Hale Institute and Rand Corporation. It also covers transnational groups such as the Pinay Circle. This list […]

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