
Lobster Issue 1 (1983) £££

[…] small number of ex-convicts brought together and controlled by British Intelligence. These in turn recruited and controlled others who believed they were members of a genuine loyalist secret organisation.” (16) The gangs were designed to spread disinformation, dissension within the Loyalist ranks, and foment infighting. In the wake of the successful Ulster Worker Council’s […]

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Assassins, Narcotics and Watergate

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] Unit’ at the White House. (34) This group included “people superbly trained in explosives” and “specialists in weapons”: as Bill Moyers observed, it too was “a small secret army”. Barker dissented from Moyers’ allegations that Operation Diamond was preparing to perform political “kidnappings” and “assassinations”, but only on semantic grounds: (“there is a difference […]

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A Pretext for War; Ghost Wars

Book cover
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the abuse of America’s intelligence agencies James Bamford New York: Doubleday, 2004, h/back $26.95 Ghost Wars: The Secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, 2001 Steve Coll New York: Penguin, 2004, h/back $29.95   These books cover some […]

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The influence of intelligence services on the British left

Lobster Issue

[…] government be it noted the British Youth Council was said to be financed by the Foreign Office, though that may be a euphemism for MI6, the British secret intelligence service. In 1977 Mandelson and one Charles Clarke, another familiar name, then head of the British National Union of Students, put together a delegation from […]

Publications and Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] notable pieces is very useful. This latest edition includes the significant extracts from the Defence Attache article on 007, a two page review/article on Loftus’ The Belarus Secret, and precis on events in Italy, Peru, Africa, Mozambique, Iran, the General Collins trial mentioned in Lobster 1, (which has never been followed up in the […]

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Book cover
Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] the 1964 Tonkin Gulf incident to the Arabian Gulf in 2003, little seems to have changed in the United States’ approach to starting war. Ellsberg’s account of secret White House activity in the wake of the Tonkin incident shows how initial ineptitude was turned into cynical manipulation to create the pretext for ramping up […]

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Like books we should have so many witnesses?: Some recent JFK literature

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] works by Epstein in an omnibus volume: Inquest: The Warren Commission and the Establishment of the Truth (1966), Counterplot: Garrison Against the World (1968), and Legend: the Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald (1978). Even if you have the three books already this edition is a must-get for the new introductions, afterwords and essays, […]

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A short history of Lobster

Lobster Issue

[…] to journalists who didn’t have time to do the research. Eventually Steve and I wrote a book about the campaigns against Harold Wilson, Smear: Wilson and the Secret State. (Writing this is the reason Lobsters 20, 21 and 22 were rather thin.) After which Steve began writing another book and I continued producing Lobster. […]

PR, espionage and language

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] spies using undercover techniques ranging from the sex trap to lavish hospitality'(); teaching models for schools: ‘Ask students to chose a spy from history and create a secret fact file on their chosen spy, giving personal details as well as summaries of their main missions’ () ; and a research, publishing and tourism industry […]

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Operation Black Dog

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] first Bond-like rendezvous, but it would certainly be the most startling. We had agreed to meet in order that the source could tell me about a highly secret US operation known as ‘Black Dog.’ Neither of us trusted electronic communication and, therefore, a face-to-face meeting was essential. The meeting followed a story I had […]

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