The President’s Mortician by Tim Fleming

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] put flesh on the biographical bones of John Melvin Liggett, a shadowy character whose apparent connections to the JFK assassination are discussed in my own ‘Doubles and Disinformation’ in this issue of Lobster. There is good news and bad news about this book. The bad news is that, despite the author’s first-hand research into […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).


Lobster Issue

[…] Labour Cabinets of Harold Wilson (1974-76) had been under intense surveillance in the hunt for Soviet influence. Several members, notably Wilson himself, had been burgled. Smear and disinformation campaigns had been run against both Labour and Liberal politicians. In this context it is a very striking list of speakers. Major Alexander Greenwood had been […]

Estes, LBJ and Dallas

Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Factor was brain damaged during military service; Estes was a convicted fraudster; Hunt’s claims were those a dying CIA officer whose role within the CIA had included disinformation; and McClellan’s ‘evidence’ was merely the statement of a third party buried in a book mixing fact with faction. But many of the witnesses in other […]

Chemtrails: the proof and the purpose

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of chemtrailing. A Google search from 2008 yielded 1 million results for ‘chemtrails’. Today, the figure is 8 million. The growing public awareness is met with media disinformation and silence. For all the government/militarylinked pseudo-science on so-called ‘persistent contrails’, scientists, the media, and government bodies cannot argue against the simple fact that unmarked aeroplanes […]

1976 and all that: the IMF incident

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] to accept the harsh IMF prescriptions.11 (Emphasis added.) At the end of all the wrangles, the months of cabinet debate, the international horse-trading and arm-twisting, and the disinformation from within the financial nexus in Britain, the result was a compromise. Accepting the need for a deal with the IMF – if only for the […]

A comment on Simon Matthews’ ‘The Dungavel Handicap: Scotland, Churchill and Rudolf Hess, 1941’

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] operation, and people being aware that life and death situations involving themselves and their family are possible at any time, is a fruitful breeding ground for both disinformation and fantastic rumours. There was a considerable amount of talk about UK-German contacts in Portugal (and Spain) in 1940-1941, including meetings with, among others, the Duke […]

finklestein 1976

Lobster Issue

[…] to accept the harsh IMF prescriptions.11 (Emphasis added.) At the end of all the wrangles, the months of cabinet debate, the international horse-trading and arm-twisting, and the disinformation from within the financial nexus in Britain, the result was a compromise. Accepting the need for a deal with the IMF – if only for the […]

The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s secret relationship with apartheid South Africa by Sasha Polakow-Suransky

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] a labour of love from his Oxford doctorate. His investigative methods are a model combination of historical perspective, extensive archival research in an area ‘where information and disinformation are equally important’ and interviewing many of the key players in both countries. ‘I traced former ambassadors to desert kibbutzim and elderly South African Jewish émigrés […]

1976 anmd all that

Lobster Issue

[…] to accept the harsh IMF prescription.10 (Emphasis added.) At the end of all the wrangles, the months of cabinet debate, the international horse-trading and arm-twisting, and the disinformation from within the financial nexus in Britain, the result was a compromise. Accepting the need for a deal with the IMF – if only for the […]

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