Curried Knight: Maxwell Knight and the MI5 in-house history

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] no reference to its employment of the agent provocateur William Rickard, who in 1917 framed a family of socialists (the Wheeldons) on trumped-up charges of plotting to assassinate Lloyd George. The Zinoviev Letter is mentioned, but not the fact that MI5 officers (notably Joseph Ball, who later became a Conservative Party official) were prime […]

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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

Harold Weisberg Harold Weisberg died at his home in Frederick, Maryland, on 21 February from a kidney ailment at the age of 88. He was one of the first generation of Warren Report critics along with Vincent Salandria, Ray Marcus, Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher and others. He was a tireless critic of the Report and … Read more

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Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

Shorts Yorkshire Post (14 March ’92) reported the admission by the Ministry of Defence that in an operation called HORNBEAM, trawlers had been used during the first Cold War to spy on Soviet shipping. But the MOD spokesperson refused to confirm that some trawlers had carried intelligence officers. Statewatch Bulletin (Jan/Feb 1992) includes an important … Read more

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Nexus: postmodernism or what?

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

Nexus: postmodernism or what? I wonder what posterity will make of Nexus magazine. It continues to be just about the most fascinating and the most infuriating thing which plops through my letter-box. Take the April-May 2000 issue. On the positive side there is a very interesting and maybe very important piece on the soya bean, … Read more

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Spy Wars

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

Spy Wars: Moles, mysteries and deadly games Tennent H. Begley London and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007, h/b, £18.99   Begley was one of James Angleton’s allies in CIA counterintelligence and this book is the Angletonian view of the Nosenko case, one of the touchstones or causes célèbres of the CIA in the post-war … Read more

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

From Edward Herman I was taken aback by the review of Russell Kick’s book, You Are Being Lied To, by Phil Edwards, in Lobster 42. It contains a venomous and completely idiotic attack on Noam Chomsky (and indirectly on me as a co-author of the propaganda model), and it has other deficiencies as well. Let … Read more

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Book Reviews

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Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££

Through The Looking Glass: British Foreign Policy In An Age Of Illusions Anthony Verrier (Cape, London 1983) This will probably turn out to be an important book, maybe even a little landmark in the (scanty) literature on British foreign policy since the war. So far it has been largely ignored by the literary/political establishment, receiving … Read more

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The Activity, Grenada

Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££

See note (1) James ‘Bo’ Gritz, linked to the US Army Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), was detained with Lance Corp. Edward Trimmer whilst trying to enter Thailand. (Guardian 23rd September 1983) They were apparently on another mission looking for American POWs. In December, for the first time since 1975, American troops were in Laos investigating … Read more

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Agca: true confessions

Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££

During the current farcical trial of Ali Agca a most interesting snippet appeared in the press which looks like finally seeing off the alleged ‘Bulgarian connection.’ Signor Giovanni Pandico, a jailed former member of the upper echelons of the Naples-based Camorra, claimed that it had played a part in convincing Agca to accept the role … Read more

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More Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

Book Reviews Gerry Healey: A Revolutionary Life Corinna Lotz and Paul Feldman Lupus Books, PO Box 942, London, SW1V 2AR, £15.00 Ken Livingstone MP was given a large chunk of a page of the Guardian (tabloid section p. 13, September 6, 1994) to write a review of this book. The bit that caught my eye … Read more

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