Lob86 View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] relations at the time was facilitated by MI5. For not only did they have the Party bugged and penetrated, they knew about the money from the Soviet embassy which was keeping it going.22 I have suggested before in these columns that had MI5 exposed the Soviet funding after the Red Army rolled its tanks […]

1976 and all that: the IMF incident

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] a 1989 seminar on the IMF events, Donoughue revealed the following. . . .in the middle of this crisis I was privately summoned to the United States Embassy for a secret meeting with a very senior official there who said, ‘You should be aware of something, which is that parts of the Treasury are […]

Signs of the times

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] to allow the Soviets to fund the Communist Party of Great Britain. They had known about the money – literally bags of used notes from a Soviet embassy official – since the late 1940s. The Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956 saw the CPGB’s membership drop by between a quarter and a third.15 Had […]


Lobster Issue

[…] or . 6 7 Details at . In Lobster 81 at or . 8 2 Party bugged and penetrated, they knew about the money from the Soviet embassy which was keeping it going.9 I have suggested before in these columns that had MI5 exposed the Soviet funding after the Red Army rolled its tanks […]

A key for a Clockwork Orange

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] comedy in the following passage: 4 Andrew Biswell, The Real Life of Anthony Burgess, (London: Picador, 2006) p.236 ‘When I asked a former diplomat from the Russian embassy about the possibility that Burgess was secretly employed by British intelligence, he told me that a volubly indiscreet drunk such as Burgess, who also happened to […]

finklestein 1976

Lobster Issue

[…] a 1989 seminar on the IMF events, Donoughue revealed the following. . . .in the middle of this crisis I was privately summoned to the United States Embassy for a secret meeting with a very senior official there who said, ‘You should be aware of something, which is that parts of the Treasury are […]

1976 anmd all that

Lobster Issue

[…] government. In a 1989 seminar on the IMF events, Donoughue revealed the following. In the middle of this crisis I was privately summoned to the United States Embassy for a secret meeting with a very senior official there who said, ‘You should be aware of something, which is that parts of the Treasury are […]

Livingstone, Zionism and the Nazis

Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] hands of those eager to inflict damage by even the most outrageous smears. With the Blairites, the Labour Friends of Israel – urged on by the Israeli Embassy, where the appalling Mark Regev1 is ambassador – and more or less the entire British media waiting for an opportunity to attack, Livingstone unwittingly but still […]

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