In camera injustice

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] amateur an operation – and he listed 14 points which indicated it was unlikely I had any involvement with the KGB. Bill Colby (former Director of the CIA) and ex-CIA officer Philip Agee also agreed it would not be possible to say that the tradecraft in my case was exclusive to the KGB. The […]

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The Cecil King coup plot

Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] there would have been no Bloody Sunday. As I’ve explained elsewhere, the genesis of the Provisional IRA lies in the attempts by Fianna Fail (and possibly the CIA) to create right-wing death squads to neutralise the then Official IRA leadership.(19) However, the PIRA were transformed into a significant force by an inept state repression […]

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The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro

Book review
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] give one example, to show their methods – the deaths of the British journalist Jonathan Moyle in Chile, Ian Spiro, said to be working either for the CIA or MI6 – or both – and Abbie Hoffman. Moyle’s in there because he was interested, apparently, in some of the same people as Casolaro; and […]

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Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] American academic writes a long piece bemoaning the inability of the US intelligence services to accurately predict world events. The latest example is from Allen Goodman (ex CIA) in Foreign Policy, Winter 1984/85. It’s the usual catalogue of disasters, and the usual catalogue of ignorance and self-deception. These academics are always either surprised or […]

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Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] a quick skim, only three snippets struck me. On p. 53 Kalugin reports that he and other Soviet intelligence officers were responsible for the rumours that the CIA had killed UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold. On p. 170 he reports that ‘after the fall of the Salazar regime Portuguese working for the KGB drove a […]

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Operation Mind Control

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] by Dell Paperbacks. It came out around the same time as John Marks’ The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, a rather anodyne book which, after dealing with CIA and military LSD experiments which caused at least one unwitting victim to jump out a window, decided that ‘mind control’ of the Manchurian Candidate variety did […]

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NASA, Nazis & JFK: the Torbitt Document and the JFK Assassination

Book cover
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] it doesn’t actually substantiate the claim made by ‘Torbitt’ for which it is offered as evidence. I’m reasonably certain that ‘Torbitt’ is disinformation, probably produced by the CIA in the wake of the Garrison inquiry. It may even have been a response to the French disinformation production, Farewell America, a couple of years before. […]

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International Fascista in Action

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] Army, but still headed by OAS veteran Yves Guerin-Serac), and – always according to Kruger – former terrorist agents of the Skorzeny-von Schubert Paladingruppe and of the CIA. (115) In January and February 1977, according to the New York and London Times, members or associates of the first five groups were arrested by Spanish […]

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9/11: The new evidence

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] so complicated and so much bigger than they would have needed for the purpose of providing a pretext for assaults on Afghanistan and Iraq. The discovery that CIA Director at the time, George Tenet, ‘forgot’ about two meetings with George Bush just before 9/11, one lasting most of the day, in Texas, leads Henshall […]

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Magazines, journals etc.

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] the author of the following paragraph. “Geheim works closely with a network of publications in other countries that frequently carry Soviet disinformation themes, particularly directed against the CIA. These are: Lobster in Great Britain; Intelligence Newsletter, formerly Intelligence/Parapolitics, in France; and Covert Action Information Bulletin in the United States.’ — p. 34 of Romerstein’s […]

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