Historical Notes (De Courcy, Pilcher and Hess; The 1949 sterling crisis)

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] in view of his association with ‘appeasers, Russophobes and Petainists’. He was also suspect because of his persistent efforts through the cultivation of British contacts to gather secret information which might find its way into enemy hands via friends in neutral diplomatic circles abroad. I met de Courcy on three occasions while researching my […]

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Ratlines: how the Vatican’s Nazi networks betrayed Western intelligence to the Soviets

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] author of Sanctuary! Nazi Fugitives in Australia, was largely responsible for convincing the Australian government to reopen their war crimes investigations; John Loftus, author of The Belarus Secret is a former attorney for the US Justice Department Office of Special Investigations who investigated the activities and war crimes of Byelorussian Nazi collaborators. In Ratlines […]

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Print: Magazines and Catalogues

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] the American media, its ownership, control and biases. No information on the cost of foreign subscriptions is given, so write and ask if outside the US. Top Secret is the English-language version of the German parapolitical magazine Geheim. So far only the first issue, 0/88, has come our way, though a second issue is […]

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Electronic Privacy and the Encryption Debate

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] ensure new digital telecommunication systems do not hinder surveillance capabilities, and requiring the installation of monitoring capacity in these systems for national security/law enforcement purposes: ‘Acting in secret and without parliamentary knowledge or government supervision, the FBI through ILETS has since 1993 steered government and communications policy across the world. In the shadows behind […]

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Contemporary British History 1931-61: politics and the limits of policy

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] a covert operations adjunct to US foreign policy. (Aldrich is one of the handfuls of British academics who are trying to incorporate the activities of the British secret state into our post-war history and teaches a post-graduate course on the intelligence services et al at Salford University.) Just how important the secret intelligence dimension […]

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Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££

[…] effectively reduce the political influence of TNCs, European economies must be weaned from their dependence upon these corporations. Statewatch Statewatch has published a collection of 60 hitherto secret European Union documents and reports on policing, immigration, asylum, the Trevi group etc. Key Texts on Justice and Home Affairs in the European Union, Vol 1, […]

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Pinay 2: Jean Violet

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] parapolitical activities of Jean Violet go back to the 1930s, when Violet was supposedly involved with a violent quasi-Masonic movement going under the title of the Comite Secret pour l’Action Revolutionnaire, or CSAR. CSAR was part of a larger far-right phenomenon in pre-WW2 France, the conspiratorial members of which were referred to as Cagoulards, […]

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Here, there and everywhere

Book cover
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

Barry and the boys The CIA, the Mob and America’s Secret History Daniel Hopsicker Venice (Florida): The Madcow Press, 2006, $19.95, p/b Barry is Barry Seal and ‘the boys’ are the CIA. There is a decent Wiki entry for Seal which conveys the outlines of his extraordinary life as a pilot, large-scale drug smuggler […]

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The smearing of Colin Wallace

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] is able to make this preposterous claim only by completely ignoring the fact – which he must know very well – that Colin Wallace worked for the secret psychological operations unit, Information Policy. Broderick’s 1976 statement to the Civil Service Appeals Board mentioned Information Policy, letting the cat out of the bag. As a […]

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A Pretext for War; Ghost Wars

Book cover
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the abuse of America’s intelligence agencies James Bamford New York: Doubleday, 2004, h/back $26.95 Ghost Wars: The Secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, 2001 Steve Coll New York: Penguin, 2004, h/back $29.95   These books cover some […]

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