In camera injustice

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] on 30 October 1993. Kalugin was arrested at the airport and interrogated for hours on suspicion he may have been involved in the 1979 Georgi Markov ‘umbrella murder’ in London. Although released without charge, the resulting bad publicity destroyed Kalugin’s credibility, and my lawyers decided not to call him. Kalugin’s evidence would have been […]

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Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

From David Hambling On the topic of the People Zapper (Lobster 41 p. 9), the new ‘Active Denial System’ is probably not the first microwave weapon to be deployed. There have been repeated rumours of cruise missiles with HPM (high-powered microwave) warheads being used in former Yugoslavia to knock out communications centres, though apparently the … Read more

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Miscellaneous: Gemstone. Workers’ Revolutionary Party, MI5 and Libya

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] O’Hagan, Sunday World 11 February 1990 p.19. TARA Tara: there is not the basis for peaceful co- existence — Sunday News, 24th March 1974 p7. Colin Wallace Murder suspect Army spy? Sunday World, 28 September 1980 pp.1 and 3 Harry Irwin NOW! Gregory Voysey writes: In Lobster 17 (pp14-16) you note that Now!, a […]

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Eye Spy!

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

How often does the conspiracy buff/ parapolitics connoisseur stumble upon a new, all-colour, glossy parapolitics magazine at W. H. Smith’s at Euston Station? Not that often. When I called Private Eye to mail order a copy of Paul Foot’s fascinating report on the Lockerbie trial, I was assured that I could buy a copy at … Read more

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The View From MI5

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

Colin Wallace and ‘Clockwork Orange 2’ In 1974, while working for the British Army’s Northern Ireland psy-ops unit, Information Policy, Wallace was asked (told) by an MI5 officer to work on a psy-ops project, ‘Clockwork Orange 2’. Wallace’s job spec. for CO2 was to produce a document, a first-hand narrative, apparently written by a supporter … Read more

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Everything is going to change

Book cover
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] ‘lone, crazed assassin’ line is their omission of the crucial, wider issue of motive. The logical first question that should be asked, when seeking motive in a murder, is Who benefits? In JFK’s case, the answers to that question have sometimes led researchers down blind alleys. While Douglas may not ‘solve’ the assassination, his […]

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The View from the Bridge. British American Project. Teddy Taylor MP. New Labour

Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££

[…] this in the second editon of his new newsletter Abduction Watch. Although the content of the stories varies from claims of secret British operations to cover-up the murder and mutilation of British citizens by aliens, to more mundane tales of secret bases and secret military units, the seven or eight stories in the past […]

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Also Noticed

Book cover
Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] America but for readers of this journal it won’t be of much interest. Sort of Greg Palast lite; Gore Vidal without the style. The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder and the Vatican Paul L. Williams Prometheus Books, New York, 2003 h/b, $27.00 A short (200 pages, large print) and sharp history of the Catholic […]

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Society for Individual Freedom

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] member of British United Industrialists); G.K. Young and Ross McWhirter. Another interesting member was Gerald Howarth. Howarth is the MP said recently to have been plotting the murder of Gerry Gable, but for our purposes his role in the early 1970s in the Prosecute Peter Hain campaign is more interesting. (37) Considering the overlapping […]

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Our Friends in the North West: The Owen Oyston Affair

Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££

The Oyston Affair appears to have been the longest and most expensive privately-funded political dirty tricks campaign in recent British history. The astonishing 15-year campaign waged against Owen Oyston by Michael Murrin, the owner of a fish and chip shop in the village of Longridge, Lancs, was backed by help and cash payments raised by … Read more

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