The News Machine: Hacking,The Untold Story by James Hanning with Glenn Mulcaire

Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: The News Machine: Hacking,The Untold S tory James Hanning with Glenn Mulcaire London: Gibson Square, £12.99, p/b T he Conservative Party had already lost the Rochester and Strood by-election in the hours before its former director of communications left prison early on the morning of 21 November. Whether the timing of Andy Coulson’s release […]


Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] an early recruit to the BAP at the same time as Naughtie and Peter (now Lord) Mandelson.8 The new BBC trust chair, Rona Fairhead, is a close Tory friend of Chancellor George Osborne. Lord Stevenson, a key figure in the BAP network and in the 2008 banking collapse, appointed Fairhead to her first senior […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] As derivatives go, these are pretty plain vanilla. They give investors exposure to an underlying asset without having to own it (and therefore appear on the regula tory filings that disclose the biggest holders of publicly-listed shares). The other main benefit is that swaps allow you to leverage up the bet. And here lies […]

Failures of State: The Inside Story of Britain’s Battle with Coronavirus by Jonathan Calvert and George Arbuthnot

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: Failures of State: The Inside S tory of Britain’s Battle with Coronavirus Jonathan Calvert and George Arbuthnot London: Mudlark Harper Collins 2021 £20.00 (h/b) John Booth There are journalists – and then there are journalists. There’s Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, who while London Mayor called his £250,000 Daily Telegraph second-job contract ‘chicken feed’.1 […]

The Hess flight: still dangerous for historians – even after 75 years

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] supported Russian suspicions that the British had plotted to lure Hitler into attacking Russia. The book sold well in the USA with the sub-title, The Secret S tory of the Hess Peace Initiative and British Efforts to Strike a Deal With Hitler. Four years later Costello, 52, was found dead in his airline seat […]

Holding Pattern

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] a lucrative profession this can be. (Ms Barnwell is said to earn upward of $10,000 a month 1 I suspect this orignated with a National Enquirer s tory in January that claimed she only had six months to live. 2 There’s a decent round-up of this supernova of speculation at . 3 for appearances.) […]

How our politicians helped to kill UK manufacturing

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] can see. One was by Robert Skidelsky at or . 2 3 He is profiled at . and employment . . . .’ (p. 109) His explana tory comments are these: ‘Her government’s economic and exchange rate policies may have brought down inflation, but they took no prisoners as export orders dried up and […]

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