
Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] American academic writes a long piece bemoaning the inability of the US intelligence services to accurately predict world events. The latest example is from Allen Goodman (ex CIA) in Foreign Policy, Winter 1984/85. It’s the usual catalogue of disasters, and the usual catalogue of ignorance and self-deception. These academics are always either surprised or […]

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Everything is going to change

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Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] Vietnam’s President Diem, while the CIA’s Lucien Conein was busy organising the coup against him, just as the generals dragged their feet on troop withdrawal. With the CIA engineering ‘Quiet American’ style terrorism, bombing a Buddhist monastery in Hue to make it look like the Catholic Diem was responsible, they could back Kennedy into […]

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Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] to fit UK events into the framework provided by Gemstone. On the first page we get Miller, Judah Binstock, Lansky, Luciano, Nixon, Onassis, Danite Mormons (?), Watergate, Hughes, Kennedy, CIA JFK, the Warren Commission……It’s a farrago in which one or two suggestive facts are buried under a torrent of nonsensical assertions. For Gemstone buffs only.

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Terrorism, Anti-Semitism and Dissent

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] Social Democratic Party (See Lobster 31 et seq). Attending the Jerusalem conference in 1979 were George Bush (father of George W. with at that time only the CIA directorship on his political CV), his former Langley colleague Ray Cline, Perle, Ledeen, Congressman Jack Kemp, Senator John Danforth and Senator Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson. The last […]

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International Fascista in Action

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] Army, but still headed by OAS veteran Yves Guerin-Serac), and – always according to Kruger – former terrorist agents of the Skorzeny-von Schubert Paladingruppe and of the CIA. (115) In January and February 1977, according to the New York and London Times, members or associates of the first five groups were arrested by Spanish […]

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Magazines, journals etc.

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] the author of the following paragraph. “Geheim works closely with a network of publications in other countries that frequently carry Soviet disinformation themes, particularly directed against the CIA. These are: Lobster in Great Britain; Intelligence Newsletter, formerly Intelligence/Parapolitics, in France; and Covert Action Information Bulletin in the United States.’ — p. 34 of Romerstein’s […]

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World Parafascism, Drugs and Crime

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. In general, the fall of Nixon and the eventual election of Carter cut off the CIA subsidies to the Right, which does much to explain the recent financing of both West European fascists and Chile’s Cuban proteges by criminal activities, including narcotics. In late 1974 Italian Interior Minister […]

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Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] yet the aircraft used are unsuitable, and must be spe cially modified (often heavily modified) for the missions. We are told that the pilots and crew were CIA staffers. Well, CIA’s field staff at that time numbered a few thousand, world-wide, for all missions. Flying missions from carriers is dangerous enough, requiring the highest […]

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Silent Coup: the Removal of Richard Nixon

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Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] Independent of 23 June 1993, commented that ‘she stood by him loyaly, convinced that he was the victim of an international plot involving double agents and the CIA.’ Well, something like that. Mrs Nixon’s death was announced only a week after Channel 4 TV’s Dispatches series broadcast a Barbara Newman documentary, ‘The Key to […]

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Official and Confidential:The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover

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Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] tidying-up the loose ends on the ground), followed by a sophisticated CIA-directed cover-up, perhaps? In Lobster 23 I hypothesized, semi-seriously, that the straw which finally triggered the CIA to remove JFK was his support for the rapprochement between the Christian Democrats and the Italian Socialist Party — the so-called apertura a sinistra in Italy. […]

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