Labour Takes Power: The Denis MacShane Diaries

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] professor and lord and sociologist’ in Davos; and even a glass of champagne with the veteran Trotskyist journalist John Palmer, who spends his time abusing Blair and Brown and praising Ken Livingstone. (pp. 163, 223, 233) Of particular interest are his mentions of a certain Jeremy Corbyn, ‘for whom I have a lot of […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] some of his (unexceptional) thoughts on the event in the Guardian.39 The only really interesting bit in Darling’s memoir showed the reader how he and prime minister Brown had perceived things at the time: ‘When I went across to see Gordon in the flat that evening, I told him that nationalization was looking increasingly […]

A Classless Society: Britain in the 1990s by Alwyn W. Turner

Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: […] to hold most of the cards and boast the better spokespeople. Major’s Chancellor Kenneth Clarke could make a united Europe sound as British as roast beef and brown ale, Major’s deputy Michael Heseltine gave it the aura of an exciting business enterprise and Tony Blair bestowed upon the project the glitter of a chic […]

View from Bridge copy

Lobster Issue

[…] a part of it, but and or 29 Still widely available on-line. See the review at or . Author interview at or . 30 11 Blair and Brown were true believers in the virtues and efficacy of the market, with their ‘light touch’ regulation and all that.31 Anderson writes about the dangers of hedge […]

Friends of Israel Booth PDF

Lobster Issue

[…] area’s strategic importance through its geographical location, part of that history was linked to many generations of Britons through religious practice and belief.7 The Rev Dr John Brown, father of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, for example, was a Christian Zionist who played an important role in linking the Church of Scotland through frequent […]

Blair and Israel

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and the two men became friends.5 A month later the leader of the Labour Party, John Smith, died, and Blair won the leadership election contest with Gordon Brown – in some accounts with financial 1 See for example . 2 See the profile of Michael Levy in the Daily Express 26 June 2000. 3 […]

Friends of Israel Booth pdf

Lobster Issue

[…] area’s strategic importance through its geographical location, part of that history was linked to many generations of Britons through religious practice and belief.7 The Rev Dr John Brown, father of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, for example, was a Christian Zionist who played an important role in linking the Church of Scotland through frequent […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] the economy than Labour.43 The lack of confidence in Labour is apparently the result of the economic crash of 2007/8. But the then NuLab government of Gordon Brown was following Conservative polices at the time of the crash: the market is magic, we need no regulation of the City and the domestic manufacturing economy […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] big problem no-one wants to discuss – but we do apparently make some nice weapons. And Saudi Arabia buys them. The late Robin Cook, Foreign Secretary while Brown was Chancellor, had access to the same information and resigned in opposition to the approaching war. He said in his resignation speech: ‘Why is it now […]

Sex scandals and sexual blackmail in America’s deep politics

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] High-Living Baker Boy Scandalizes the Capital’, p. 32. It referred to her as ‘the German call girl’. 48 Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot (Boston: Little Brown, 1997), pp. 387-390. the Soviet embassy.49 To Hoover, this intelligence recalled the sensational Profumo affair then grabbing headlines in Great Britain. The British scandal eventually prompted […]

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