
Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: Contents Lobster 60 Tittle-tattle Tom Easton Readers of Lobster may well encounter the rough ’conspiracy theorists’ abuse routinely dished out to anyone questioning an orthodox explanation of events. And, indeed, we do well not to seek over-simple, monochrome accounts of complex occurrences. This is a messy world where the level of institutional core competence, especially […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] firms that they are believed to have raped and pillaged would be unthinkable in the wake of the demise of former prime minister and City cheerleader, Gordon Brown. Especially given that Umunna, 35, purports to support small businesses and even sent a volley of tweets to support small businesses in the Streatham area of […]

Lob86 View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] Quigley’s thesis about Rhodes and the Round Table. But as one of the few comments on the book points out, it has almost no documentation.76 In this, Brown is following in Quigley’s footsteps, for Tragedy and Hope has over 1300 pages and no documentation at all. To my knowledge, Quigley has never publicly commented […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] firms that they are believed to have raped and pillaged would be unthinkable in the wake of the demise of former prime minister and City cheerleader, Gordon Brown. Especially given that Umunna, 35, purports to support small businesses and even sent a volley of tweets to support small businesses in the Streatham area of […]


Lobster Issue

[…] Quigley’s thesis about Rhodes and the Round Table. But as one of the few comments on the book points out, it has almost no documentation.66 In this, Brown is following in Quigley’s footsteps, for Tragedy and Hope has over 1300 pages and no documentation at all. To my knowledge, Quigley has never publicly commented […]

Wall Street, the Supermob, and the CIA

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] House Select Committee on Assassinations, May 16, 1978, 168-69, available at . Brod was actually recruited by Angleton in Italy in 1944; CIA memo by Jerrold B. Brown for Inspector General, July 1, 1975, re ‘Possible Questionable Activity’. For more on Brod and Angleton, see Gus Russo, The Outfit (New York: Bloomsbury, 2001), p. […]

View from Bridge 88 copy

Lobster Issue

[…] that facilitated the rich accumulating ever more capital. (p. 209) The fear of being viewed as ‘old Labour’ was undoubtedly a part of it, but Blair and Brown were true believers in the virtues and efficacy of the market, with their ‘light touch’ regulation and all that.49 Anderson writes about the dangers of hedge […]

Divining Desire: Focus Groups and the Culture of Consultation by Liz Featherstone

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] reactions to his first Cabinet, to the government of all the talents concept, to his healthcare policy . . . and to his education policy.’ 4 Later, Brown would cast his long-term pollster Deborah Mattinson out of his magic circle. She seemed too insistent on telling him things he didn’t want to know, not […]

Unwinnable: Britain’s War in Afghanistan, 2001-2014 by Theo Farrell

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and troops? While these were undoubtedly factors, they affected how the unwinnable war unfolded rather than having any direct effect on the inevitable outcome. The Blair and Brown governments deserve censure for getting involved at all, rather than for somehow losing the war. It is worth briefly noticing here the dramatic falling out between […]

The economic crisis

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] part of the Faustian pact that got New Labour into power in the first place. (“What you in the City have done for financial services,” enthused Gordon Brown in 2002, “we as a government intend to do for the economy as a whole.” He got that right.)’ 2 City lobbying H ow this has […]

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