View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] the Labour and Conservative Friends of Israel, for example, are public.13 On the other hand, their liaison with the Israeli embassy in London is not. *new* ‘ Blair and Brown’ Yes, I sat and watched all five episodes of the BBC programmes about the two Bs. Both men did one big thing. Blair supported […]

All In It Together: England in the early 21st Century by Alwyn Turner

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] those ‘plausible young men’ who rose to the top of that society – Nick Clegg, David Cameron, Ed Miliband, David Miliband and the primus inter plausibiles, Tony Blair. ‘This was very much the modern trend: educated, metropolitan, 1 middle-class young men with a plausible, unstuffy manner and a promise of managerial competence.’ Close to […]

Murdoch, Rothschild and the nuclear lobby

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Minister without Portfolio from 1997 until 1998, when he became Trade and Industry Secretary, acquired responsibility for the Millennium Dome. Despite opposition from most of the Cabinet, Blair decided that the project would go ahead. (Carrell 2000) The Millennium Dome was granted £400m of lottery money, and British Sky Broadcasting were among an array […]


Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] a normal life.’ Sweet FA A rather lower level of punishment came the same week for Lord Triesman, the former New Labour Foreign Office minister under Tony Blair. The ex-communist multimillionaire, a close friend of New Labour fundraiser Lord Levy, and the party’s general secretary between 2001-3, had been appointed chairman of the Football […]

The two Goulds

Lobster Issue

[…] stated openly at the time. Instead Neil Kinnock tried to get the paper changed on the q.t.. He sent a delegation of Eatwell, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair – an early sighting of the Brown-Blair tandem – to see Gould the day before his committee’s document was going to the printer.9 Gould was: ‘extremely […]

Rupert Murdoch: An Investigation of Political Power by David McKnight

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] at the table of national politics in three English-speaking nations’. In Britain, the focus has always been on Murdoch’s close relationship first with Thatcher and then with Blair and Brown. What McKnight brings out is the extent to which it is the United States that is the real object of Murdoch’s affection. While he […]

Gaza 2009: Revisiting the Goldstone Report

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] governments condoning, indeed complicit, in a protracted massacre. The British response to Goldstone By the time Operation Cast Lead was carried out, Gordon Brown had replaced Tony Blair as Labour Prime Minister. Brown was absolutely committed to supporting Israel and to keeping in step with the United States but, at least initially, seems to […]

The Two Goulds

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] stated openly at the time. Instead Neil Kinnock tried to get the paper changed on the q.t.. He sent a delegation of Eatwell, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair – an early sighting of the Brown-Blair tandem – to see Gould the day before his committee’s document was going to the printer.9 Gould was: extremely […]

Peer group pressure

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] in the same boat?) Secondly, on a general point about the ennobled contingent of likely Corbyn haters, they will be heavily reinforced by the peers appointed by Blair and Brown – who know that Corbyn doesn’t like the peerage. He’s only appointed a handful himself (including Shami Chakrabarti – and look where that leads […]

Armed and Dangerous: the corporate origins of war with Iran

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Iran Superficially, David Cameron’s commitment to war with Iran, in 2012, looks like a carbon copy of Tony Blair’s commitment to war with Iraq in 2003. For Blair, war with Iraq was payback for US and corporate support (e.g. from Rupert Murdoch and the City of London) for his hijacking of the Labour Party […]

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