The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination by Lamar Waldron

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and is largely a rehashing and enlargement of the previous two.1 He has earlier argued for a secret Kennedy venture known as CDay that planned for a coup in Cuba to be carried out by the Pentagon and the CIA which would be synced with the assassination of Castro by an undercover operator on […]

The Lincoln-Kennedy Psyop

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] than experience.’ 22 Allen Dulles visited Rome in mid-August 1953, ostensibly for a holiday, but really so that he could study cable traffic concerning the ongoing Iranian coup. He spent that time in the US Embassy’s operations room with Clare and Gerald Miller, leaving his wife, Clover, to drift around the Italian capital on […]

Thatcher’s Secret War Subversion, Coercion, Secrecy and Government, 1974-90

Lobster Issue

[…] us that David Stirling’s GB75 was ‘a strike-breaking force that included all sorts of disgruntled intelligence operatives, former soldiers and arms dealers who were preparing for a coup against what they considered a communist government led by a communist agent – the Prime Minister himself.’ (p. 47) But to my knowledge the personnel of […]

Thatcher’s Secret War by Clive Bloom

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] us that David Stirling’s GB75 was ‘a strike-breaking force that included all sorts of disgruntled intelligence operatives, former soldiers and arms dealers who were preparing for a coup against what they considered a communist government led by a communist agent – the Prime Minister himself.’ (p. 47) But to my knowledge the personnel of […]


Lobster Issue

[…] king’s death and the ascent of his son, Savang Vatthana, who did not possess the same amount of shakti/shiva “good luck” as his dad – staged a coup on 25 December 1959. A military junta under fascist Colonel Phoumi Nosavan took charge of the government. Under the guidance of his crazy CIA case officer, […]

Labour Takes Power: The Denis MacShane Diaries

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] had with Peter Mandelson regarding Toynbee’s attack. Mandelson cheered him up when he told him that being attacked in the Guardian by Polly Toynbee was a real coup: ‘I can think of nothing that would more highly commend you to the Prime Minister.’ (pp. 65, 66, 69). As MacShane observes elsewhere, as far as […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] site. For example, there is a recent post by the site’s main man, Professor Michel Chossudovsky, ‘The Covid “Pandemic”: Destroying People’s Lives. Engineered Economic Depression. Global ” Coup d’Etat”?’2 I scrolled through that and came across this: ‘The March 11 2020 Lockdown project uses lies and deception to ultimately impose a Worldwide totalitarian regime, […]

Lob86 View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] there what I wrote in Lobster 32. The first one is ‘Ukraine 2014: The Tipping Point of Terror’ at . 80 ‘U.S.-NATO Involvement in the 2014 Ukraine Coup and Maidan Massacre: The Soft Power Ecosystem and Beyond’ at or 81 See, for example, the long analysis by Ivan Katchanovski, at . 82 28 Do […]


Lobster Issue

[…] the public £23 billion. See . 60 The first one is ‘Ukraine 2014: The Tipping Point of Terror’ at . 61 ‘U.S.-NATO Involvement in the 2014 Ukraine Coup and Maidan Massacre: The Soft Power Ecosystem and Beyond’ at or 62 24 power ecosystem’ of the USA which encouraged Ukraine towards that end. The climax […]

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