Johnson at 10: The Inside Story

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] at 10. Will the next volume have to combine the premierships of Truss and Sunak? It is worth noticing here that he has certainly not neglected Tony Blair, having published edited volumes, The Blair Effect in 2001 (with a new edition in 2005), Blair’s Britain in 2007, and single authored volumes, Blair Unbound in […]

Brexit: an accident waiting to happen

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] – 46% of the votes cast) neither Labour nor Conservatives have polled above 45% of the votes cast in a general election. Thatcher didn’t get above 44%, Blair peaked at 43% and 1 This adversarial mindset even extends to the architecture of the House of Commons: two narrow rows of benches facing each other. […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] ‘Robert Henderson, who had Special Branch sicced on him and then was the subject of a press smear campaign for the sin of writing letters to Tony Blair (see Lobster 39) submitted evidence to the Leveson Inquiry about the way the media had treated him. Leveson did not call him to testify. (No celebrity […]

Who pays the piper? Funding the Labour Party

Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] the list gave only £20,000. An anomaly of the 2015 list is that 70 donations of £1,000 each were made by one person – a certain ‘Anthony Blair’ – to individual Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs). He also gave £6,000 to the central party.3 Clearly then, every year will have its own peculiarities; but one […]

Holding pattern

Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and troops, citing ‘quality intelligence’ of an imminent attack. With the Iraq invasion looming in the background and widespread disbelief in the WMD fairy-story, many accused Mr Blair of cooking up a false alarm with regard to Heathrow too. But it seems very unlikely that Mr Blair was behind it: the impetus for the […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] the Labour and Conservative Friends of Israel, for example, are public.13 On the other hand, their liaison with the Israeli embassy in London is not. *new* ‘ Blair and Brown’ Yes, I sat and watched all five episodes of the BBC programmes about the two Bs. Both men did one big thing. Blair supported […]

The View from the Bridge (updated 20 Sep 2022)

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] kilometres. Blighty is going down the pan This quotation is from Aaron Bastani, co-founder of Novara Media. When asked about her greatest achievement Margaret Thatcher replied: “Tony Blair and New Labour”. The real legacy of Blair is that he not only cemented much of the Thatcherite settlement but, worse, made many believe that doing […]

[PDF file]: […] financial support for Labour. On whom see or . 44 or 45 See, for example, or . 46 or 47 or 48 My original formulation of the Blair and Israel issue appeared twenty years ago and was reprinted in Lobster 73 with material added at its end, in the light of the Al Jazeera […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] ‘Robert Henderson, who had Special Branch sicced on him and then was the subject of a press smear campaign for the sin of writing letters to Tony Blair (see Lobster 39) submitted evidence to the Leveson Inquiry about the way the media had treated him. Leveson did not call him to testify. (No celebrity […]

Back to the future (again)

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] concentrate on re-assuring the (often ill-informed) non-political suburban voters. Kinnock departed smartly after 1992 and his successor John Smith died suddenly in 1994.16 The new broom, Tony Blair, was anxious to avoid either a further spell in opposition or a hung Parliament, and actively sought the youth For a full account of this period […]

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