The View from the Bridge: Jack Ruby. Jeff Bale. Andrew Neil. Tom Spencer MEP

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] journalist Dorothy Kilgallen and a friend of hers, one Howard Rothberg. Rothberg told Kilgallen that Monroe had ‘ secrets’ including: ‘a visit by the President to a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting from outer space. Kilgallen replied that she knew what might be the source of the visit. In the mid-fifties […]

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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] Bedford Borough Council has been hung for 14 years, with the local economy gasping while reserves of over £14m sit in the bank and councillors meet in secret to plan their next jaunt to Europe. Some 4,500 voters applied for postal votes in the run-up to the election, but only 2,000 postal ballots actually […]

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The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology

Book cover
Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke I.B.Tauris, London, 1992, £9.95. In his last paragraph the author concludes: ‘Books written about Nazi occultism between 1960 and 1975 were typically sensational and under-researched. A complete ignorance of the primary sources was common to most authors and inaccuracies and wild claims were repeated by each newcomer to the genre until an abundant … Read more

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Outlawing the Naming of Agents

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] a bill under which it would become illegal to claim that any individual is an officer or agent of either the Security Service (MI5) or of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). It was also made known that the publication of British Intelligence and Covert Action last year was considered provocative in this respect. The […]

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MI5: New Threats for Old? Turning up the Heat: MI5 after the Cold War

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] to sustain the thesis, the text and footnotes are scattered with fascinating fragments. Suggestive examples He might be right. There are occasional examples which suggest that the secret state is playing silly buggers with the British political fringes. In recent years there have been some odd goings-on in Welsh Nationalism, with allegations of disinformation […]

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A review of the (bad) reviews of Smear! Wilson and the Secret State

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

It was very interesting being reviewed by the major media. While the left press – New Statesman, Tribune, Socialist et al – Times Literary Supplement, the London Review of Books and the non-metropolitan and Irish papers like it, we were slagged off by the Daily and Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times, the Observer, the Independent; … Read more

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Brian Crozier, the Pinay Circle and James Goldsmith

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] operational themes will be announced. However, temporarily my evaluation is that given the personal opinions of the Crozier group, and particularly Crozier’s affinity to personalities in the secret services, the tactical and conspiratorial aims and methods laid down in the planning paper for ‘Project: Victory for Strauss’, can in fact be completely identified. It […]

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Friends of the British Secret State

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

William Massie With Chapman Pincher retired from the Express group of newspapers, somebody had to take up his position as the spooks’ number one outlet. That person appears to be one William Massie. His name has appeared on some interesting material recently: viz: 14th February 1988, front page story in the Sunday Express based on … Read more

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Sources. Publications etc

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] to produce some of the best writing in the fields Lobster covers in NameBase Newsline. Issue 12 has a long essay by Brandt, ‘Mind Control and the Secret State’, about as good a short survey of the subject as exists. Back issues of Newsline in printed form are $3.00 each; a two year subscription […]

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Kincoragate – Loose Ends

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] the heart of the disclosures over the Kincora scandal is an internal row in the intelligence services. A dissident faction is thought to have formed in the Secret Service. The scuffles over revelations concerning Kincora started with the writing of a book by Rupert Allason, pen name Nigel West, son of a leading MI6 […]

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