Blinded by the light: Puppet Masters: the Political Use of Terrorism in Italy

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] of invisible strings; their manipulation was an altogether subtler art. The ideal for the secret service marionette-masters was, after all, to use left-wing extremists to serve their conservative cause without any direct contact or collusion’. Some elements of his case he argues persuasively — for instance the possibility that with the 1974 arrest of […]

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Fifth Column

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

The Brittle Society Alarmists, like Naomi Wolf, have been exaggerating the degree to which the US, and by implication the UK, have been slipping towards a police state. The evidence for true tyranny in either country is weak. However, since it came to power in 1997, it might be reasonably argued(1) that New Labour has … Read more

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Searchlight yet again

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] 9/92 Birmingham Aryan Resistance Movement (ARM), Newark BNP, HRP, NMI (Norway), address for the Rudolph Hess March (Germany); 10/92 International Third Position; 11/92 Third Way; 1/93 Revolutionary Conservative Caucus, BNP HQ; 3/93 BNP HQ, John Tyndall’s address, Skrewdriver Services; 4/93 Croydon BNP, Combat 18 (via USA); 5/93 ‘Last Chance’, ‘Thor-Would, American Front (USA), Front […]

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] an early release from prison, Southwark Crown Court was told. John Haase told Labour MP Peter Kilfoyle that he arranged the alleged payment through a relation of Conservative cabinet minister, Southwark Crown Court heard. Haase, 59, and his cousin Paul Bennett, 44, received a Royal Pardon in 1996 and were released 11 months into […]

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The Oyston Affair continues: D909 and the friends of Margaret Thatcher

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] and offences under the Official Secrets Act. I was already aware of the activities of Michael Murrin, a private investigator who was employed and financed by prominent Conservative politicians, including the MPs Sir Peter, now Lord, Blaker and Robert Atkins, now Sir Robert Atkins. Michael Murrin recorded his telephone conversations and following a compromise […]

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Stalker, Conspiracy?

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] Bernard McGourlay, was on a golf course when he had a conversation with Gerry Wareing, a friend of property developer, land speculator, and chairman of the Manchester Conservative Association, Kevin Taylor. Wareing had recently returned from a holiday in Spain on Taylor’s yacht, Diogenes. According to one account he mentioned the QSG and the […]

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The Trouble With Harry: A memoire of Harry Newton, MI5 agent

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] at various times a Communist Party member, Ban-the-Bomber and Rank and File shop steward.’ It omitted to say that he had also been a member of the Conservative Party at one stage in a rather varied career. The balloon goes up On February 20, 1985, Channel 4 banned a 20/20 Vision documentary programme and […]

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Sudan and slavery: disinformation and the Telegraph group

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] have been coming from a variety of Christian groups, including Christian Solidarity Worldwide, headed by Baroness Cox. These groups have found the columns of a number of conservative newspapers open to them; in this country notably the Daily and Sunday Telegraph. Attempting to refute and rebut the claims of these groups is the European-Sudanese […]

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US involvement in the Fiji coup d’etat

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] that there had been no bloodshed,” a spokeswoman said. Unofficially the US military have been far less guarded in their gratification. The Sydney Morning Herald, a “quality” conservative paper quoted an unnamed Pentagon source as saying: “We’re kinda delighted … All of a sudden our ships couldn’t go to Fiji, and now all of […]

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Still hazy after all these years

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] community, have not been interested in the Wallace case. But it striking that Wallace’s own supporters have generated so little noise. Ketcham concludes: ‘George Wallace’s coalition of conservative Southern voters ushered in the era of the Republican Southern Strategy, which has defined the parameters of victory for the GOP for over a quarter-century. The […]

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