In The Thick of It: The Private Diaries of a Minister by Alan Duncan

Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Booth. 1 Taxation Poses to Liberty’, actually has our two authors seriously describing the Inland Revenue as ‘the moral equivalents of the Stasi, the Gestapo and the KGB’. The way forward is the ‘liquidation of the State’, although interestingly they are extremely wary with regard to the National Health Service, acknowledging that there is […]

007’s real mission continues

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] sudden disappearance of civil servants Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean, both of whom possessed key intelligence secrets. The fact that Maclean was suspected of being a Soviet KGB spy and was about to be arrested by MI-5 was a closely guarded secret and something that Burgess was unaware of. So they must have been […]

Operation Mindfuck: QAnon and the cult of Donald Trump, by Robert Guffey

Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] and I believe it is all true now. After a discussion of secret societies he tells on p. 78: The English Freemason organization was used by the KGB to infiltrate and take over British Intelligence. British Intelligence is synonomous with Chatham House, more commonly known as the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the parent […]

Kelly Bond 007 text

Lobster Issue

[…] sudden disappearance of civil servants Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean, both of whom possessed key intelligence secrets. The fact that Maclean was suspected of being a Soviet KGB spy and was about to be arrested by MI-5 was a closely guarded secret and something that Burgess was unaware of. So they must have been […]

Lobster review: 1992 guide to intelligence periodics

Lobster Issue

[…] its brother publications. Beyond its unabashedly anti-establishment tenor in general, LOBSTER is anti-intelligence services in particular; those of the West, not the East. The Soviet Union, the KGB and the Eastern Bloc countries (when they existed) are largely ignored. The main focus is on the “bad” MI6 and MIS, with the CIA close behind, […]


Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] government and especially in the final 40 pages, a number of points are made. It emerges that Ken isn’t really left-wing at all. We learn that the KGB looked at him in the ‘80s and concluded that he wasn’t a Trotskyist. When he was mayor of London the mayor of Berlin concluded that none […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] consists of, Madsen describes someone as CIA because they were so named in the 1968 Who’s Who in the CIA, published by East German intelligence (or the KGB). Madsen does not want to acknowledge the book’s provenance and tells us that the book was published in West Berlin. This book is well known enough […]

View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] SIS Chief Maurice Oldfield, told me that when they heard of the assassination, his circle assumed it had been done by the CIA. In other words, the KGB didn’t manufacture this thread and Garrison’s investigation was merely the beginning of it. There is a vast amount of research on the CIA-dunnit thesis of which […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] contained a faction which believed that Harold Wilson was, or might be, a Soviet agent, and that the Labour Party was influenced, if not controlled by, the KGB. This faction had allies within the Army, among former intelligence officers, the police and CIA assets, notably the Institute for the Study of Conflict. I presume […]

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