‘Conspiracy Theories’ and Clandestine Politics

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] this century, had played a key role in establishing the system of apartheid in South Africa, and in the process helped to ensure the preservation of ultra- conservative Afrikaner cultural values and Afrikaner political dominance until 199. Yet this organization also existed. It was known as the Afrikaner Broederbond (AB), and it formed a […]

Historical Notes

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] elements in the secret state which worked covertly against the Prime Minister. Quite clearly, by 1984-5 Wilson’s mental faculties were in decline. As Dr Thomas Stuttaford, a Conservative MP who appeared on one of the documentaries, pointed out, Wilson himself was aware that this might happen to him – there was a family history. […]

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The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

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Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] foreign policy executive arm of the British monarchy.’(11) Ha! (And no evidence offered.) p. 29 ‘Lady Thatcher had been dumped as head of state by her own Conservative Party on Bilderberg orders and replaced with trapeze artist (sic) John Major.’ Not only is there no evidence that Thatcher was dumped on the orders of […]

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Oswald Mosley – Fascist and Sex Machine

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Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

Feminine Fascism: Women in Britain’s Fascist Movement 1923-1945 Julie Gottlieb, London: I.B. Tauris, 2000, £39.50 The Viceroy’s Daughters Anne de Courcy London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, £20.00 Blackshirts on-Sea J. S. Booker London: Brockinday Publications, 1999, £18.00     Fascism is generally regarded as a fiercely masculine political movement committed to excluding women from the worlds … Read more

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Terrorism, Anti-Semitism and Dissent

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] new generation of nuclear missiles. On his London trips between 1981 and 1983 Wick mainly saw senior staff at the BBC and ITN and supporters of the Conservative government and its officials.(7) At the time Dunwoody was a shadow health minister and ostensibly a very minor player in Labour politics, so a meeting with […]

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Robert Kennedy and the Middle East connection

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

‘I know nothing about it. I don’t want to say I didn’t at the time, but today I have no knowledge of it.’ Former US Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara on the attack on USS Liberty. ‘As with the assassination of John F. Kennedy four years earlier, the official version [of the attack on … Read more

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Rothschild, the right, the far-right and the Fifth Man

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] Rothschild was also close to Strachey (a former communist theoretician), and had been a scientific adviser to Strachey’s infamous Groundnuts scheme, a financial disaster used by the Conservative Party and its allies in the press to discredit both Strachey and the Labour Party. In 1963 de Courcy was found guilty of fraud and imprisoned […]

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Joseph K and the spooky launderette

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] and drug dealing began to circulate. Sound familiar? Michael Allcock, a tax inspector recently jailed for corruption, has claimed that he was fitted up after investigating a Conservative ex-government minister who was alleged to have relations with Nadir. Allcock had interviewed Robertson. Allcock was also investigating Howard Marks. In 1994, I contacted Pat through […]

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The Northern Front

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Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] July 2007, Charles Glass wrote in The Nation about what he knew well in those heady days during which he composed his diary: ‘Washington’s ideologically charged neo- conservative coterie possessed little or no understanding of the Middle East, allowing it to dismiss the easily predictable consequences of invading and occupying Iraq.’ A defensible charge, […]

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The Iron Triangle: inside the secret world of the Carlyle Group

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] 2001 in the presence of Saudi investors like Shafiq Bin Laden, estranged brother of Osama. In the wake of such events and in line with wider neo- Conservative foreign policy objectives, the Carlyle Group has sought to divest itself of its dependency on the querulous House of Saud in favour of the new ‘opportunities’ […]

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