Following in Uncle Sam’s dirty footsteps: chemical and biological warfare testing in the UK

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] homicide and not suicide.(2) This new information suggests that Frank Olsen was murdered because he was considered a security risk to the CIA’s highly sensitive and top secret mind control programmes. The Nuremberg trials revealed how far Nazi Germany had gone in the development of mind control means, using prisoners of war, as well […]

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The Jew of Linz: Wittgenstein, Hitler and their Secret Battle for the Mind

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Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

Kimberley Cornish London: Arrow, 1999, £7.99 On p. 86 of this enthralling book Kimberley Cornish invites readers to complete the following sentence: ‘Wittgenstein was offered the Chair in Philosophy at Lenin’s university [Kazan] in 1935 because…’ What possible reason can there be except that he was serving the Soviet regime? Cornish contends that Wittgenstein recruited … Read more

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Kitson, Kincora and counter-insurgency in Northern Ireland

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

[…] a kind of theoretical framework for the case studies which follow it, Lawrence seeks to document “striking advances (which) have emerged in the functioning of the (U.S.) secret police.” For Lawrence, “By the end of the sixties it was clear to the establishment that its traditional methods of social control were weakening, and that […]

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How many divisions does the Pope have?

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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] in Germany were reaching similar conclusions at the same time. The same month that Tardini briefed Pius XII the Abwehr chief in Spain, von Faupel, made a secret visit to Argentina where he met the Commander-in-Chief of the Argentine army, von der Becke, an officer of German origin, and the former Argentine military attaché […]

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Ten Thirty Three: The Inside Story of Britain’s Secret Killing Machine in Northern Ireland

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Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

Nicholas Davies Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh, 1999, £14.99 It is by now clear to everyone, except the hard-line Unionists hankering after the restoration of a Protestant Ascendancy, that the Provisional IRA was defeated in its war against the British. Their defeat was certainly not total, so that no return to ‘the good old days’ of Stormont … Read more

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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] Bedford Borough Council has been hung for 14 years, with the local economy gasping while reserves of over £14m sit in the bank and councillors meet in secret to plan their next jaunt to Europe. Some 4,500 voters applied for postal votes in the run-up to the election, but only 2,000 postal ballots actually […]

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Secret State, Silent Press: new militarism, the Gulf and the modern image of warfare

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Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

Richard Keeble University of Luton Press, Luton, 1997, £14.95 Richard Keeble – a former journalist and now Course Director of the BA in Journalism degree at City University, London – makes his stance clear in the first chapter of this well researched study: There was no Gulf war of 1991…It was nothing less than a … Read more

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Outlawing the Naming of Agents

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] a bill under which it would become illegal to claim that any individual is an officer or agent of either the Security Service (MI5) or of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). It was also made known that the publication of British Intelligence and Covert Action last year was considered provocative in this respect. The […]

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The Secret War for the Falklands

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Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

The SAS, MI6 and the War Whitehall Nearly Lost Nigel West Little Brown and Company, 1996, £16.99 There are two substantial essays in here, one about the SAS raid on the Argentine mainland which didn’t take place, and the other about the SIS operation to prevent the French delivering any more Exocets to the Argentine … Read more

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Deadly Illusions

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Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

the first book from the KGB archives John Costello and Oleg Tsarev Century, London, 1993 Yet another reheat of the interminable stew of Philby, Burgess, Blunt, Maclean et al, this time spiced up with material from the KGB archives. Yes, the KGB archives. Five years ago, unimaginable. Today… today it certainly makes a striking contrast … Read more

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