UFOs and disinformation

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] to attack the Soviet Union found in the US national archives was code-named MAJESTIC! (1) Cannon commented: ‘The website is devoted, in general, to Tim Cooper’s ‘ new’ MJ12 documents, which I believe are phonies. He’s been receiving these things for the past few years. The ‘old’ MJ12 documents – the ones originally given […]

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The influence of intelligence services on the British left

Lobster Issue

[…] was just the role of the CIA is false. None of these British reports have surfaced but over a 1000 pages of such reports made by the New Zealand US embassy to the State Department on the tiny NZ labour movement have been declassified and show surveillance down to the level of trades councils […]

Brands and Britannia: Some aspects of national image and identity

Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] as much as any other organisation – as ‘a little country punching above its weight’. This identity, because of Iraq, has been sacrificed and, to date, a new one not found. At the moment, a key consumer marketing trend is ‘humanising branding’, the creation of a brand-person. This merges celebrity icon with product: e.g. […]

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Watergate revisited: Hougan’s ‘Secret Agenda’

Lobster Issue £££

[…] though the core of Secret Agenda, is a small percentage of a text which is overflowing with fascinating bits and pieces. And perhaps its the superfluity of new information which has obscured one or two simple points which effectively wreck this central thesis. In the first place Hougan has no evidence, not a shred, […]

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Five at Eye

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] Colin Wallace was putting together in Northern Ireland, on behalf of Information Policy, as part of Clockwork Orange. There is the same blend of known facts, intriguing new information, and the subtle insertion of ‘black’ material. All of which is held together, or given a ‘spin’, by the addition of a ‘theme’. The theme, […]

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KAL 007 and Overhead Surveillance

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] nuclear stockpiles and relations between the superpowers (‘Verification of the Salt 2 treaty’ in 1980 SIPRI Yearbook pp285-313). SALT 1 forbade the creation of more than one new generation of nuclear weapons and the encryption of data that could conceal such developments (‘Verification of the Salt 2 treaty’ in 1980 SIPRI Yearbook pp286-303). In […]

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New Labour’s foreign policy: a new moral crusade?

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

ed. Richard Little and Mark Wickham-Jones Manchester University Press, 2000, £45 (hb), £15.99 (pb) Herewith 260 pages of straight-faced academic endeavour come to the conclusion that New Labour’s foreign policy, ethical dimension and all, looks pretty much like the Foreign Office’s traditional foreign policy. Well! Who would have thought it? Thus Rhiannon Vickers, ‘Labour’s […]

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Friends of the British Secret State

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] mount IRA hoax bomb campaign by GERARD KEMP THE IRA is using children, some as young as ten years old, to make hoax bombs in Ulster. The new tactic is costing the Army hours of soldiers’ time as every suspected bomb has to be checked out. It often means sending in two armour-plated vehicles, […]

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Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

Down Under David Lange may have come and gone and the New Zealand Labour Party may have blazed a rightwards trail for Tony Blair et al to follow, but the New Zealand anti-military, anti-spook campaigns continue. The latest journal to document the activities of the spooks and military in that part of the Pacific […]

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