‘Nobody told us we could do this’

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] a receptive audience at the highest levels of the Civil Service for a government that would ‘take decisions’. Such opinions should be seen in the context that Blair had already admitted that he spent his entire first term (1997-2001) learning the job and Brown’s priorities appeared to be endlessly gauging his immediate political advantage […]

View from Bridge 88 copy

Lobster Issue

[…] the headline to Gordon Brown’s latest tone-deaf article about Broken-down Blighty.30 He is incapable of admitting – or, perhaps, incapable of grasping – that he and Tony Blair played a considerable role in creating this mess with their support for This issue was discussed in this column in Lobster 80, under subhead Baseless. 26 […]

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Lobster Issue

[…] the headline to Gordon Brown’s latest tone-deaf article about Broken-down Blighty.29 He is incapable of admitting – or, perhaps, incapable of grasping – that he and Tony Blair played a considerable role in creating this mess with their support for neo-con economic fantasies and their belief that this country didn’t need to make things […]

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Lobster Issue

[…] the headline to Gordon Brown’s latest tone-deaf article about Broken-down Blighty.29 He is incapable of admitting – or, perhaps, incapable of grasping – that he and Tony Blair played a considerable role in creating this mess with their support for neo-con economic fantasies and their belief that this country didn’t need to make things […]

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Lobster Issue

[…] undoubtedly risen even further in the last three years. The rich are getting richer and the poor relatively poorer. Ironically, this has been especially true under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s management of UK plc. Eighteen years out of power had made these jokers so paranoid about being viewed as ‘old Labour’ that every […]

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Lobster Issue

[…] undoubtedly risen even further in the last three years. The rich are getting richer and the poor relatively poorer. Ironically, this has been especially true under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s management of UK plc. Eighteen years out of power had made these jokers so paranoid about being viewed as ‘old Labour’ that every […]

Friends of Israel Booth PDF

Lobster Issue

[…] included many campaigning Zionists.12 Friends of Israel details the funding of a large number of other Israelsupporting organisations from the Jewish National Fund UK founded in 1901 (Blair and Brown are two of its patrons) to more recent ones. These include UK Lawyers for Israel and We Believe in Israel which became very active […]

Friends of Israel Booth pdf

Lobster Issue

[…] included many campaigning Zionists.12 Friends of Israel details the funding of a large number of other Israelsupporting organisations from the Jewish National Fund UK founded in 1901 (Blair and Brown are two of its patrons) to more recent ones. These include UK Lawyers for Israel and We Believe in Israel which became very active […]

Off Message, and, Standing for Something

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Marshall-Andrews London: Profile Books, 2011 £16.99 h/b Standing for Something Mark Seddon London: Biteback Publishing, 2011 £16.99 h/b ‘Forty per cent of the British people believe that Blair should be tried as a war criminal. I am one of that number’. Obviously the memoirs of any Labour MP with such admirable views are worth […]

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Lobster Issue

[…] ilk in Lobster 83, in this column at under subheads Broon and More Broon. 3 admitting – or, perhaps, incapable of grasping – that he and Tony Blair played a considerable role in creating this mess with their support for neo-con economic fantasies and their belief that this country didn’t need to make things […]

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