View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] some idea of what to expect in his new essay, ‘U.S. Cold War Policy and the Italian Far-Right: The Nixon Administration, Republican Party Operatives, and the Borghese Coup Plot of 1970’.48 This is classic parapolitics: massive documentation (100 footnotes, many of them lengthy) from public sources used to analyse secret affairs. As getting a […]

View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] some idea of what to expect in his new essay, ‘U.S. Cold War Policy and the Italian Far-Right: The Nixon Administration, Republican Party Operatives, and the Borghese Coup Plot of 1970’.48 This is classic parapolitics: massive documentation (100 footnotes, many of them lengthy) from public sources used to analyse secret affairs. As getting a […]

SUCCESS: The CIA in Guatemala, 1954

Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] – with a leader who would be more suitable to US interests strategically, politically and economically, the dictatorial General Carlos Castillo Armas. The effects of the US-sponsored coup d’état were deep and far reaching. For the CIA and the Eisenhower administration, ‘its triumph confirmed the belief….that covert operations offered a safe, inexpensive substitute for […]

View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] some idea of what to expect in his new essay, ‘U.S. Cold War Policy and the Italian Far-Right: The Nixon Administration, Republican Party Operatives, and the Borghese Coup Plot of 1970’.27 This is classic parapolitics: massive documentation (100 footnotes, many of them lengthy) from public sources used to analyse secret affairs. As getting a […]

View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] some idea of what to expect in his new essay, ‘U.S. Cold War Policy and the Italian Far-Right: The Nixon Administration, Republican Party Operatives, and the Borghese Coup Plot of 1970’.26 This is classic parapolitics: massive documentation (100 footnotes, many of them lengthy) from public sources used to analyse secret affairs. As getting a […]

Sex scandals and sexual blackmail in America’s deep politics

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] unpredictable outcome of a CIA operation that, in the simplest terms, tripped on its own shoelaces.’6 3 His theory was amplified by authors of the best-seller Silent Coup and endorsed on the speaker circuit by Watergate burglar Gordon Liddy.6 4 They hold that when details of a Columbia Plaza prostitution ring became known to […]

The Christian Right Revisited

Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] Right is still very much with us. Having remained loyal to Donald Trump, with many of its supporters even taking part in the 6 January 2021 attempted coup at the Capitol in Washington DC, we can already see likely rivals for the Republican nomination for the 2024 Presidential election trying to enlist the support […]

Inside the Trump Administration

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the Generals made clear, repeatedly, that they would not countenance Trump trying to overthrow the election result. They refused to be a part of the kind of coup Trump was clearly plotting – which would have put in place an authoritarian regime modelled on those he so openly admired. If they had made it […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] them as ‘agents’. This makes him (or her but usually him) look good, justifies his/her overseas posting and enables him/her to claim some more expenses. A right-wing coup A meeting held between Lord Mountbatten of Burma, several senior journalists and government advisers has long been the foundation for claims that a plot existed in […]

Finks: How the CIA tricked the World’s Best Writers by Joel Whitney

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] are only two things which raised my eyebrows. The first is the author’s claim that in the summer of 1962 JFK approved the plan to run the coup in Brazil which actually happened in 1964, under LBJ. Whitney cites Tim Weiner’s Legacy of Ashes (Doubleday, 2007) which shows that JFK was discussing discussing the […]

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