Letter from America: CIA set for Pentagon buyout?

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] Coleman the Pentagon has never forgiven President Truman for turning OSS into a supposedly civilian entity, and is well on the way to running the entire US spy apparat. I don’t really believe this strict military-civilian dichotomy. CIA has long been full of military spooks – General Charles P. Cabell and Admiral Stansfield Turner, […]

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Secrets from Germany

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

GEHEIM (“SECRET”) is West Germany’s representative in the international stable of state research publications. Geheim has appeared three or four times a year since 1983, and its editors are experienced state research journalists in the Federal Republic – Rudolf Gossner, author (with Geheim contributor Uwe Herzog) of an exhaustive work on the undercover activities of … Read more

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Lobster Issue 49: Contents

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] communications advisory and agency services, mostly to non-OECD interests and NGOs. Corinne Souza is a former lobbyist, now a freelance writer. Her most recent book is Baghdad’s Spy (Mainstream, 2003). Simon Matthews is a former trade union district secretary with an MA in Modern History. Scott Newton is Senior Lecturer in Modern British and […]

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Persian Drugs: Oliver North, the DEA and Covert Operations in the Mideast

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] July 1989 (syndicated column) Memo from Acting Assistant Commissioner, Office of Enforcement, to Commissioner of Customs, 30 October 1985. Mark Perry, The Secret Life of an American Spy’, Regardie’s, February 1989 Testimony of Ambassador Oakley, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and Committee on Judiciary, hearings, International Terrorism, Insurgency and Drug Trafficking, May 13-15 1985, […]

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Joseph K and the spooky launderette

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] bothered using that particular channel. To date, Stuart-Smith hasn’t upheld any complaint about MI5’s activities. See Tom Bower’s recent biography of Sir Dick White, The Perfect English Spy, Heinemann, London 1995. According to David Shayler, the current favourite to succeed Stephen Lander as head of MI5 is Ms Manningham Buller, whose father prosecuted Blake. […]

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Hitler’s Traitor: Martin Bormann and the Defeat of the Reich

Book cover
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] view. His book is basically a study of the ‘Red Orchestra’, an area already covered in detail. The author shows that this was, indeed, a very big spy ring. (The CIA were still investigating its activities well into the 1970s, believing that portions of it had survived various Gestapo crack-downs and had gone on […]

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Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

See also: Part 1: Forty Years of Legal Thuggery (Lobster 9) Part 2: British Spooks “Who’s Who” (Lobster 10) Intelligence Personnel Named in ‘Inside Intelligence’ (Lobster 15) Philby naming names (Lobster 16) First supplement to A Who’s Who of the British Secret State (Lobster 19) Below is a list of spooks, both dead and alive, … Read more

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Vindication is a dish still edible when cold

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] proved: That, while I was working for South African Intelligence in London in 1969 (I was officially deported from South Africa in 1966 so that I could spy for BOSS in Britain) the head of BOSS, H. J. van den Bergh, assigned me to infiltrate an extremely furtive underground political group based in South […]

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US involvement in the Fiji coup d’etat

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

US involvement in the Fiji coup d’etat This article presents an analysis of United States involvement in the coup in Fiji. The authors support the demands made in Washington by deposed Fijian Prime Minister, Dr Bavadra, for a Congressional investigation of American involvement. Published by Wellington Confidential, PO. Box 9034, Wellington, New Zealand The one-month-old … Read more

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The Organising of Intellectual Consensus: The Congress for Cultural Freedom and Post-War US-European Relations (Part I)

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] considered for what they are and what they mean, not for who pays the bills. The important thing is that a good many intellectuals and America’s leading spy agency came to the same conclusions at much the same time about America’s role in world society.'(15) Of course, as was mentioned in relation to Edward […]

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