Explaining the Iraq War; Counterfactual Theory, Logic and Evidence by Frank P. Harvey

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] administration would, from day one, have been closely involved in the Middle East and the Israel-Palestine conflict in particular. Gore had been highly active here during the Clinton administration and was acutely aware of how close agreement nearly came in 1999-2000. Gore’s links with the region, and a – by no means inconceivable – […]

Climate hysterics: useful idiots or just idiots

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the West) has meant that such prohibitions have been half-hearted at best. In any event since the installation of Ronald Reagan as POTUS, followed by William Jefferson Clinton a few actors later, the few controls – even public condemnation – have been eliminated. To the extent it was ever seriously weakened, the power of […]

Making America Great

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] have an ‘insidious agenda that is demonic to its core’. George Soros is, inevitably, ‘the undisputed ringleader of this globalist cabal’. (p. 118). In this universe, Hillary Clinton is inevitably cast as ‘Jezebel’! (p. 132) And, of course, Trump has also taken a stand against the ‘environmental extremists’ with their fake warnings of global […]

Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World by Adam Tooze

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] was accepted by almost everyone who mattered, politicians included. Tooze notes that it was the social democrats in the US and the UK, the ‘new’ Democrats ( Clinton) and New Labour (Brown and Blair), who took all this free market nonsense seriously and gave the money men their heads. ‘It was, therefore, no coincidence […]

The End of the Republican Party: Three ‘Never Trump’ Conservatives on the Trump Presidency

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] formulation in 2002. He was the author of The Right Man, a staunch defence of the Bush administration, published in 2003. In 2016, he voted for Hillary Clinton! Frum recognises that Trump did not come out of the blue, but was someone who took advantage of the way American politics was ‘veering toward extremism […]

The rise of New Labour

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] no interest in the economy – as far as I know, he had no economic knowledge at all – and left it all to Brown. Copying the Clinton Democrats of the 1990s, Brown believed that Britain’s future lay in the financial services, the so-called knowledge economy and immigrants who would do the shitwork the […]

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