The ‘Wilson plots’ and related parapolitics (Book review)

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] in Private Eye (31 December), presumably Paul Foot, pointed out, Ware had already taken part in the rubbishing of Wallace, and Taylor in the rubbishing of John Stalker. Both men have also been given fairly astonishing access to sections of the British security and intelligence services to make TV programmes. Recently, Taylor has fronted […]

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Enemies of the state

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] businessman, Chair of Manchester Conservative Association, whose life and business were ruined by MI5 and the police looking for dirt with which to smear his friend John Stalker, then deputy chief constable of Greater Manchester. (See The Poisoned Tree, Kevin Taylor .) There are two key questions about incidents like these. At what level […]

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Truth Twisting: notes on disinformation

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

This began as a review of Deacon’s Truth Twisters by David Teacher, and grew as we both saw bits and pieces we could add to it. Richard Deacon’s The Truth Twisters (McDonald, London 1987: Futura, London 1988) is a classic of Western disinformation purporting to describe Soviet disinformation. Deacon lines up all our favourite state […]

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Miscarriage of justice, the police complaints system and whistle blower protection for police officers

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] refused to respond or investigate when he and his family were subjected to serious harassment – including theft, criminal damage and threats of violence – by a stalker. Authorities must be held accountable ‘The key to improving our justice system is accountability,’ said McMahon. ‘As long as the police and the Crown Prosecution Service […]

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Harassing Robert Henderson

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] then set the tabloids on him and he was smeared in the Daily Mirror (also used to smear the journalist Greg Palast) and Daily Record as a stalker and a racist. This was discussed in Lobsters 37 and 39 and 43 and Henderson’s detailed account of the affair, including the text of the letters […]

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Fascism: Theory and Practice

Book cover
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] does not allow me an equivalent right of reply or intervention. That is because, as he well knows, Searchlight has defined me as a fascist/Combat18 associate/drug smuggler/ stalker etc. When he exercises his ‘democratic rights’ in some future Lobster, he should not lose sight of that. Indeed, I would welcome his comments on this […]

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Sources: Roundtable. U.N. Lockerbie, etc

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] smeared and libelled Henderson in a way similar to their smearing and libelling of the Observer journalist Gregory Palast. Palast was a ‘sex pest’; Henderson a ‘ stalker’. Henderson then received the attention of the secret state, having his mail interfered with and (he thinks) his phone tapped. Henderson has written to everybody – […]

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KAL 007: 16 Years Later

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] feet, it was half way across Kamchatka and so far ahead of Major Vasiliy Kazmin’s MiG-23, that it reached the safety of the open seas before his stalker could catch up. Next, having raced across the Sea of Okhotsk, Captain Chun made a sharp north turn towards Sakhalin Island. Over Sakhalin, Chun again confounded […]

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The Oyston Affair continues: D909 and the friends of Margaret Thatcher

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] was charged with defrauding the Midland Bank of £1.89 million. Two years later, a judge dismissed all the charges against him. But like Kevin Taylor in the Stalker case, the long and expensive bank fraud case had knocked him out of public life during the years before his acquittal. PII In the early stages […]

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From Parapolitics to Deep Politics: Deep Politics and the Death of JFK

Book cover
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] In popular terms, collusive secrecy and law-breaking are part of how the deep political system works.'(6) Nobody who has witnessed Watergate, Irangate, Kincora, the Rainbow Warrior murders, Stalker, Colin Wallace, or any of the other significant exposes of the secret state activities of the past 25 years could really dispute this. Which is to […]

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