CIA, DEA, and Their Assassination Capacity

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. It is true that on June 11, 1973, the Justice Department abolished the Intelligence Evaluation Committee which had co-ordinated the harassment of Camil in Miami, for which the special grand juries had collected political intelligence, and which had, in its first two months of existence alone “compiled computerised dossiers … Read more

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Print: Journals and book review

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] 69 pages. There will be nits to pick from almost everybody interested in the right, but this is a world directory, over 70 countries. The very i dea of it is breathtaking. AMOK: Third Despatch Table of Contents CONTROL 2 EXOTICA 17 SLEAZE 22 R&D 28 ORGONE 33 SENSORY DEPRIVATION 39 NEUROPOLITICS 47 MAYHEM […]

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Suppression by Proxy: the Superclient States

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. The CIA, having already moved assassination-coup specialists like Conein into DEA, seems intent on preserving for itself a much lower profile (in accordance with the Bissell-CFR recommendations of 1968). In its recent operations it has shown a preference to work through the employees of other U.S. agencies, and, […]

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International Fascista in Action

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. Orlando Bosch’s most recent umbrella alliance, CORU (Co-ordination of United Revolutionary Organisations) had just been assembled in June 1976. In October 1976, according to Kruger, CORU representatives attended meetings in Barcelona, Spain, which established a new International Fascista. This comprised elements from the Italian MSI (the Ordine Nuovo of […]

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Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion

Book cover
Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] Administration’s routine denials exposed. The Contras might not have received another nickel. Thus the Administration, instead of arresting Meneses and Blandon, protected them. Later, Blandon became a DEA informant, and apparently so did Meneses. Webb claims that in the mid-1980s, the flow of cocaine from Blandon to L.A. crack dealer Ricky Ross reached its […]

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In Brief. Libya. Syria and the Gulf oil war. Lester Coleman

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] one of its main roles is to monitor the clandestine activity of other US government agencies. Coleman’s DIA job was to spy on the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which operated out of a base in Cyprus. Coleman alleges that the DEA is supervising, and the DIA is manipulating, the drugs and arms trafficking which […]

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Post-war Nazi Networks and the United States

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] cell under special guard in the newest prison ‘Reclusorio Norte’. (86) If Der Spiegel’s charges are correct. they suggest a possible explanation for Playboy’s disturbing charges that DEA officials close to Intertel (and hence, it must be said, to the CIA), were shielding a Mafia higher-up in the Mexican heroin connection (a man who […]

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The Clash of the Icons

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] of 1972, Lou Conein became a consultant to the newly created Office of National Narcotics Intelligence (ONNI) at the Department of Justice. After the Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, was formed in July 1973, Conein became chief of a DEA special operations unit that in 1975 was investigated by the U.S. Senate for the dubious […]

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Drugging America: a Trojan Horse

Book cover
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] bells on. At other times he seems to be suggesting that the entire agency has become infected with this. His evidence is chiefly the testimony of former DEA and CIA officials, contract personnel – or drug smugglers turned informants. Do you believe George Bush was a big wheel in a thirty year-old CIA operation […]

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Operation Julie revisited: the strange career of Ron Stark, parapolitical alchemist

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] lawyer in Paris, Sam Goekjian, who had drawn up the charters for Stark’s front companies, was investigated by IRS agents and asked about Stark’s BEL connections. The DEA, who had just rolled-up much of the BEL network in the US, organised a follow-up raid on Stark’s Belgian laboratory on the campus of Louvain le […]

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