The Organising of Intellectual Consensus: The Congress for Cultural Freedom and Post-War US-European Relations (Part I)

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] Review (PR), was anti-Stalinism. Their leadership in this development had a lot to do with their disillusionment with the sterility of argument which had marked the American Communist Party in the 1930s, in particular its slavish adherence to every dictat from Moscow that marked every turn in the somersaulting Soviet foreign policy of that […]

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An Unbiased Watch? the police and fascist/anti-fascist street conflict in Britain, 1945-1951

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] by British bombing.(5) The opposition forms A number of groups determined to oppose Mosley: individual Conservatives,(6) Liberals,(7) and members of the Labour Party;(8) left-wing organisations, including the Communist Party (CP),(9) Common Wealth,(10) the Socialist Party Of Great Britain (SPGB),(11) and the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP);(12) civil rights organisations, such as the National Council of […]

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Parallel development: the Workers Party and the Progressive Unionist Party in Northern Ireland

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] CIA documents, reprinted in the Irish Socialist Partypublication, The Voice, revealed that the CIA also welcomed the formation of the Provos because they were ‘nationalist rather than Communist’ and could help to neutralise the threat posed by ‘Marxism’. (6) On one thing however, Dillon and his mentor, Conor Cruise O’Brien, are absolutely correct: because […]

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The Organising of Intellectual Consensus: The Congress for Cultural Freedom and Post-War US- European Relations (Part 2)

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] Program (ERP – i.e. the Marshall Plan) were many, e.g.: ‘…Britain’s economic, financial, and possible military collapse; Europe’s economic distress and potential instability; the threat of further communist political successes; Germany’s economic stagnation; the conflicts which arose between the State Department on the one hand and the War Department, Hoover, and OMGUS on the […]

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A ‘great venture’: overthrowing the government of Iran

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] had discussed ‘covert means’ with Lambton reported that ‘our…..unofficial efforts to undermine Dr. Mussadiq are making good progress’.(37) With 1952 came the British preference for ‘a non- communist coup d’etat preferably in the name of the Shah. This would mean an authoritarian regime’,(38) the embassy in Tehran noted. On 28 January the Foreign Office […]

Back to the future: the 1970s reconsidered

Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££

[…] ascendant. This was also true in Britain – the U.S.’s partner in the post-war arrangements. The most important problem the U.S. had was in the U.K.(53) The Communist ‘threat’ A substantial section of the British secret state and its allies in the Conservative Party, business and the media believed, or found it useful to […]

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Beware the proven lawyer!

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] most voluble of the early left-wing group of writers, and the KGB even contributed two thousand dollars…to Lane’s efforts…. He was welcomed into Left-leaning European intellectual circles….German Communist Joachim Joesten dedicated his 1964 book, Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy?, to Lane ….Lane.…has become an embarrassment to the Left ….“the left’s leading hearse chaser”….a “huckster”…. […]

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Gone but not forgotten

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] or to refuse to negotiate with trade union officials whom they had reason to believe were Communists.’ This definition was extended to those who were ‘susceptible to Communist pressure.’ Reginald Maudling announced in the House of Commons that the actual number of union officials barred from government departments was a mere seven, (3) though […]

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USA & the CIA

Book cover
Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

A Covert Life. Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist, and Spymaster Ted Morgan New York: Random House, 1999, $29.95 Freedom’s War: The US Crusade Against the Soviet Union Scott Lucas Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999, £45 Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of its Operations in Guatemala 1952-54 Nick Cullather Stanford (California): Stanford University Press 1999, […]

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The British Right

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] Some are the old favourites – Aims, Adam Smith, IEA etc – but some are the more recent and obscure of them, including: Centre for Research into Communist Economics, Policy Search, the Ross McWhirter Foundation and the Research Foundation for the Study of Terrorism. (Illustrated is its notepaper listing – thanks to Phil Edwards […]

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