Perfidious Albion: an end to deceit

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] large audience for a critical review of what led this country to that invasion. Even his title, Web of Deceit, catches the growing public perception of Tony Blair in leading the country into war on a false prospectus. Coming after The Ambiguities of Power in 1995 and The Great Deception in 1998, this is […]

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Contamination, the Labour Party, nationalism and the Blairites

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] pro-European Union wing, as well as in the predominantly pro-EU media, attempt to contaminate them with nationalism – and thus the right. Here is Prime Minister Tony Blair doing it, in his talk to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp Leadership Conference, in Australia: ‘…the Labour government I hope to lead will be outward-looking, internationalist and […]

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Liddle and Lobbygate: reflections on a Downing Street drama

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

Of the many questions left unanswered from this summer’s so-called Lobbygate furore, one stands out: why did Prime Minister Tony Blair expend so much energy and political capital saving Roger Liddle, the Downing Street adviser who was caught by The Observer offering access through his former lobbyist business partner, Derek Draper? Loyalty cannot be […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] in 1991 along with new TUC general secretary Brendan Barber, Powell has praised the organisation for ‘taking the working out of networking’. Another BAP figure important to Blair in the Iraq crisis was Matthew Rycroft, his private secretary responsible for foreign affairs. In the Cabinet Office, Allie Saunders (BAP 2001) has responsibility for defence […]

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New Labour, new fascism?

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

Tony Blair’s rhetoric is heavily if unconsciously littered with fascist buzz words: NATION, NEW, RENEWAL and so on. But there is a greater similarity than single words: Blair frequently expresses ideas which have a remarkable similarity to those of Oswald Mosley. To demonstrate this, I have compiled a series of quotes from Blair and […]

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The British American Project for the Successor Generation

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

Let’s start with the easiest question: what do George Robertson, Chris Smith and Marjorie ‘Mo’ Mowlam have in common? They are, of course, all strong Tony Blair supporters in the new Labour Cabinet. And what about Peter Mandelson and Elizabeth Symons? Not yet quite Cabinet members, but both are key figures in the ‘modernising […]

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Our Friends in the North-East

Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] was an immediate evacuation of the bar area and a packing of the zone around the stage. Spacey obliged the crowd with an impersonation of Clinton………(audience hilarity)………. Blair gushed and beamed….Clinton joked ……..(much audience laughter) ….Clinton then moved into statesman mode, telling the crowd: ‘…..I really want to thank the Northern Labour Party for […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] mishmash of Marxism Today’s ‘fetishised’ Thatcherism into Labour policy. Mulgan was part of a 1995 ‘secret committee’ led by Mandelson ‘to examine policy changes’, which met with Blair on alternate Fridays. The group contained no MPs, preferring Roger Liddle and Derek Scott (both former SDP), Patricia Hewitt (not then an MP), and TV producer […]

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The View from the Bridge: Blair. IMF. Bilderberg, etc

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

The funding of Blair Sometimes chronology implies causality and sometimes not. Consider the following sequence of events: in January 1994 Tony Blair, then Shadow Home Secretary and career-long member of the Labour Friends of Israel, took a four day freebie trip to Israel, with his wife, at the expense of the Israeli government. Two […]

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I married a war criminal

Book cover
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

Cherie Blair: Speaking for Myself Cherie Blair London: Little, Brown, 2008, h/b, £18.99   The relentless harrying of Neil Kinnock by the Murdoch press at the time of the 1992 general election outraged Labour Party people, among them Cherie Blair. This was the general election when The Sun proudly boasted that it was its […]

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