Cold War Stories

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

US deception operation blowback The e-newsletter stuff (1) ran this fascinating piece around 15 March. ‘At the Princeton conference last Saturday, Raymond Garthoff, a distinguished historian now with the Brookings Institute and a former CIA analyst, mentioned that we had recently learned of an FBI-Army double agent operation that may have spurred the Soviets to … Read more

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Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

From: M. R. D. Foot Scott Newton’s footnote at the end of his piece on Hess, in your number tries to keep alive Dr Hugh Thomas’s tale that the pilot who reached Scotland could not have been Hess, because he bore no trace of the gunshot wound the real Hess had received in Roumania in … Read more

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A ‘great venture’: overthrowing the government of Iran

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] January 1952. After an assault by Egyptian rebels on a British military base, Britain occupied the town of Ismaila, surrounded the police headquarters and then proceeded to kill fifty people and wounding a hundred before the surrender.(28)) In Iran, however, despite Labour’s inaction, Churchill noted a few months into his term that ‘by sitting […]

History Will Not Absolve Us (Book review)

Book cover
Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££

Orwellian control, public denial, and the murder of President Kennedy E. Martin Schotz Kurtz, Ulmer and DeLucia, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1996 Distributed in the UK by Plough Publishing House (at 01580 883344), £15.50 This is a very odd book. It is beautifully printed, bound and laid-out – a pleasure to handle. Unfortunately the content doesn’t match … Read more

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Agca: true confessions

Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££

[…] of votes due to the mass of support which it manages to mobilize.” (Times 22 June 1983) It was also reported that the Camorra had agreed to kill several designated by the Red Brigades as the result of a ‘blood pact’ between the two groups. (Guardian 21/6/83) The Camorra had tried to kill a […]

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The Last Empire: Essays 1992-2001

Book cover
Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

Gore Vidal London: Abacus, 2002, £10.99, p/b   Once upon a time collections of essays by Gore Vidal would appear every few years or so in this country in those neat little Panther paperbacks: On Our Own Now (1976), Matters of Fact and of Fiction (1978), Pink Triangle and Yellow Star (1982) for example. The … Read more

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Wallace Clippings planted on Chapman Pincher

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] charge of propellant – even, perhaps, with a dash of explosive – that when it is fired it will blow up the gun and injure or even kill the gunman. Examine Explosives experts who helped to compile the memo report, according to their “contact” – presumably a spy in the Government service – hundreds […]

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Everything is going to change

Book cover
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] outside the specialist field. His advantage is that he is looking for a much different sort of proof: simply to show the reach of the plot to kill Kennedy, and again he does it with a parallel construction. Oswald’s phone call to Raleigh, North Carolina, while in custody, becomes evidence that he was still […]

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Coroner to the Stars

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

Coroner to the Stars Thomas T. Noguchi (Corgi Books, London 1984) One of the things I asked Peter Dale Scott which didn’t go into the interview in Lobster 7 was why so little work had been done on the Robert Kennedy assassination. After all, at first glance, the ‘conspiracy angle’ was quite plain: the autopsy … Read more

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The View From The Bridge

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

Blob of the month Hear the one about the supposedly spook-watching magazine whose editor misspelt the name of the head of MI5? Yep: Rimmington, I had in the last issue: Rimington it should have been. Searchlight News Their campaign against Larry O’Hara has reached new depths. In the March issue they published his picture and … Read more

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