Newsinger Uproar

Lobster Issue

[…] and Repression 1955-1972 Aaron J Leonard London: Repeater Books, 2023, £12.99, p/b John Newsinger In 2020 Aaron Leonard published his The Folk Singers and the Bureau: The FBI, the Folk Artists and the Suppression of the Communist Party USA 1939-1956. That outstanding volume chronicled the FBI’s surveillance, harassment and persecution of the likes of […]

Whole World In An Uproar: Music, Rebellion and Repression 1955-1972

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] and Repression 1955-1972 Aaron J Leonard London: Repeater Books, 2023, £12.99, p/b John Newsinger In 2020 Aaron Leonard published his The Folk Singers and the Bureau: The FBI, the Folk Artists and the Suppression of the Communist Party USA 1939-1956. That outstanding volume chronicled the FBI’s surveillance, harassment and persecution of the likes of […]

Mac Wallace and the finger of guilt

Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Mr Bugliosi’s cocksure complacency merely reflects the superficiality of his own understanding of the evidence. He apparently believed that the sniper’s nest fingerprints originally labelled as the FBI as ‘unidentified’ were indeed (as per the FBI’s report on the matter, recorded in the Warren Report 2 ) eventually identified as those of Richard Studebaker, […]

Holding Pattern

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] in Manhattan and New Jersey (as well as apparently abandoning some more bombs in a New Jersey train). Depressingly, it turns out that Rahami’s father contacted the FBI in 2014 with his concerns about his increasingly erratic and radicalised son. The FBI supposedly decided that Rahami Jr posed no threat – despite the fact […]

South of the Border

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] decades. There has been virtually zero interest from officialdom, but then your front door is kicked in early one morning and your home is raided by the FBI. That’s what has happened to Joerg Arnu, the owner/webmaster of, whose home in the small town of Rachel, Nevada (the closest settlement to the secret […]

lob86South of the Border

Lobster Issue

[…] decades. There has been virtually zero interest from officialdom, but then your front door is kicked in early one morning and your home is raided by the FBI. That’s what has happened to Joerg Arnu, the owner/webmaster of, whose home in the small town of Rachel, Nevada (the closest settlement to the secret […]

The Clandestine Caucus

Lobster Issue Clandestine Caucus (1996)
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[PDF file]: […] which employers’ organisations and TUC should make themselves representative of their members and in return receive recognition as estates by government.’ 3 The British Commonwealth Union, the FBI (Federation of British Industry, precursor of today’s CBI) and the other predominantly Midlands manufacturing group, the National Union of Manufacturers, were set up during the first […]

The Watergate break-ins and the Howard Hughes connection

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] other top White House officials agreed this gumshoe was ‘an incredibly cautious person’ and therefore a bad choice. Dean knew of another candidate, the lawyer and former FBI man Gordon Liddy, who had ‘done some extremely sensitive things for the White House’, like investigating leaks and ‘going into Ellsberg’s doctor’s office’.10 Liddy accepted the […]

The Lincoln-Kennedy Psyop

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] but phantom things die phantom deaths, and the list keeps marching on. In 1999, Snopes, the most famous Basye handed his letter, and Erickson’s response, to the FBI on 18 December 1963. See . 66 67 Grose (see note 23) p. 545 24 website devoted to fact-checking online disinformation, hoaxes, and rumours, set out […]

JFK, Chauncey Holt and the three ‘tramps’ redux

Lobster Issue

[…] and statements by some of the Dallas policemen who were involved. They were interviewed twice, in 1977 for the House Select Committee on Assassinations and by the FBI when the Dallas arrest records were found in 1992. The result of their combined testimony is a muddle.5 But some things are clear. According to those […]

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