Body of Secrets, and, Echelon

Book cover
Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

Body of Secrets: How America’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ Eavesdrop on the World James Bamford, London: Century, 2001, £20 Report on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system) Rapporteur: Gerhard Schmid European Parliament, 11 July 2001 [Online in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format ~1Mb]   In … Read more

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] the “morale” of the armed forces.’ On-line free sources There are two wonderful free sources of news stories on geopolitics, intelligence etc. There is Mario Profaca’s ‘ Spy News’ which sends out daily bulletins of up to 25 news stories from around the world. This can be accessed from the Profaca’s Website, which is […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] which Haines says on page 140 that a former chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee told him that ‘he and the FCO believed she was an Israeli spy, but didn’t, or couldn’t, offer any evidence.’ Haines speculates that perhaps this was the source of the money which kept Lady Falkender in the style (several […]

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Persian Drugs: Oliver North, the DEA and Covert Operations in the Mideast

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] July 1989 (syndicated column) Memo from Acting Assistant Commissioner, Office of Enforcement, to Commissioner of Customs, 30 October 1985. Mark Perry, The Secret Life of an American Spy’, Regardie’s, February 1989 Testimony of Ambassador Oakley, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and Committee on Judiciary, hearings, International Terrorism, Insurgency and Drug Trafficking, May 13-15 1985, […]

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Cold War Stories

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] agent operation that may have spurred the Soviets to produce more lethal chemical and biological agents. He was referring to David Wise’s book, Cassidy’s Run: The Secret Spy War Over Nerve Gas. ………the deception ultimately worked against US interests by spurring the Soviets to develop more lethal chemical and biological agents and may also […]

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Secrets from Germany

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

GEHEIM (“SECRET”) is West Germany’s representative in the international stable of state research publications. Geheim has appeared three or four times a year since 1983, and its editors are experienced state research journalists in the Federal Republic – Rudolf Gossner, author (with Geheim contributor Uwe Herzog) of an exhaustive work on the undercover activities of … Read more

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Another layer of cover: Nick Cook’s ‘The Hunt for Zero Point’ examined

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

Nick Cook is a defence journalist of high repute, having been an Aviation Editor for the authoritative Jane’s Defence Weekly for fourteen years. When he says that UFO reports conceal a new technology with the potential to change the world, a technology kept secret by the US military-industrial complex for decades, he should be worth … Read more

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Joseph K and the spooky launderette

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] bothered using that particular channel. To date, Stuart-Smith hasn’t upheld any complaint about MI5’s activities. See Tom Bower’s recent biography of Sir Dick White, The Perfect English Spy, Heinemann, London 1995. According to David Shayler, the current favourite to succeed Stephen Lander as head of MI5 is Ms Manningham Buller, whose father prosecuted Blake. […]

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Beyond The Da Vinci Code’

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] of commentary in the literature or on the web but the reader could do worse than go back to E. H.Cookridge’s early and flawed but detailed, Gehlen: Spy of the Century (London, 1971). Written when Gehlen was still alive and in retirement, and with that flavour of Cold War realpolitik of the day, it […]

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Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

See also: Part 1: Forty Years of Legal Thuggery (Lobster 9) Part 2: British Spooks “Who’s Who” (Lobster 10) Intelligence Personnel Named in ‘Inside Intelligence’ (Lobster 15) Philby naming names (Lobster 16) First supplement to A Who’s Who of the British Secret State (Lobster 19) Below is a list of spooks, both dead and alive, … Read more

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