One Boggis-Rolfe or two?: Philby: The Hidden Years

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Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] years ago that they are now. The two characters who receive this treatment are the brothers Paul and Hume Boggis-Rolfe, together with Carl Aarvold. Paul Boggis-Rolfe, ex- MI6, was allegedly involved in drafting the land deal for which de Courcy was framed. Hume Boggis-Rolf, ex-MI5, was a senior official at the Lord Chancellor’s department […]

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Don’t Mention The War: Northern Ireland, Propaganda and the Media

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] enough to show the allegiance to the state among media personnel. Daphne Park, for example, of the BBC Board of Governors, is not described as former senior MI6 officer. Paul Wilkinson is frequently quoted, but there is nothing on his part in the disinformation campaign against Colin Wallace, discussed in Lobster 16, which led, […]

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The Syndicate

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] is still transparently false. There is no ‘syndicate’, no matter how loosely you define it – and his definition is very loose indeed. And how long are authors going to continue taking seriously John Coleman (he of the ‘Committee of 300’ nonsense, cited extensively here), and his description of himself as a former MI6 officer?

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Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

Editorially Writing in mid-January… good news is the arrival of The Digger, apparently set fair to replace Private Eye as the major outlet – major above ground outlet – for British parapolitics. (Lobster, as one British academic said to me, is ‘underground’…). The new Kincora-Blunt trail, opened up by Ken Livingstone in the House of […]

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Cold War stories 2

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] going to win, particularly as communist-affiliated groups were attempting to take the initiative on this soon after WWII. As Stephen Dorril has stressed in his book on MI6, the British involvement in these activities was ahead of the Americans in many respects. Aldrich related how the Cultural Relations Department, a forerunner to the more […]

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British History and the British Right

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] one of the first historians to acknowledge the parapolitical dimension in modern British history, from the formation of the Special Branch to the construction of the new MI6 headquarters over a century later. This is allied to a perception that covert forces, including in the 1970s the CIA, have generally worked to protect the […]

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] we should also mention that MacShane is on the policy council of the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) whose chair in the House of Lords is old MI6 hand Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale. LFI It proved to be a heavy security presence in Whitehall for an LFI event in April that caused the re-routing […]

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The Anglo-Rhodesian Society

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] Paget MP (Labour — Eton, Trinity College, European Movement); Conservative Cabinet member Duncan Sandys; Patrick Wall MP (founder of the secret 92 Group of Tory MPs);(15) ex MI6 officer Stephen Hastings MP; Lord Salisbury, the Society’s President, and his son Lord Cranborne; Lord Coleraine, Judge Gerald Sparrow, Lord Hinchenbrooke (Victor Montagu), Lord Forester, the […]

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The Murder of Hilda Murrell: Conspiracy Theories Old and New

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] B inquiry. This agency was later revealed to be Zeus Securities, the brainchild of Peter Hamilton, a man with formidable establishment credentials and a long background in MI6. Zeus, then operated by ex-MI5 officer, Jeremy Wetherall, of another security firm, Lynx, was given the contract to organise the surveillance, which they sub-contracted to Sapphire […]

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Freedom of Information — new access legislation

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] is . Absolute exemptions are not subject to any public interest test, and include information supplied by, or concerning: the Security Service, MI5; the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6; GCHQ; the Special Forces, e.g. the SAS; tribunals concerning intelligence and interception of communications including the Investigatory Powers Tribunal; and the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) […]

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