Web update

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

Web update Jane Affleck Thanks to Terry Hanstock and David Turner for contributions. Comments and details of interesting websites are welcome: my email address is 101521.3515 @compuserve.com Freedom Of Information Campaign for Freedom of Information http://www.cfoi.org.uk ‘The Campaign for Freedom of Information campaigns against unnecessary secrecy and for greater public access to official and other … Read more

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Print: Journals and book review

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] genuine intellectually and morally retarded voice of ‘national security’. L’etat? C’est nous. EXTRA! EXTRA! is the newsletter of FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting), a US left/ liberal response to AIM (Accuracy In Media). It is edited by Martin A. Lee and its Executive Director is Jeff Cohen. It is 16 pages, A4, beautifully […]

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George Korkala’s address book

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

George Gregory Korkala was the ‘soldier’ in the activities of ‘lieutenant’ Frank Terpil and ‘leader’ Edwin Wilson. Wilson and Terpil are both ex-CIA, though when their relationships with the ‘company’ ended is not known. Korkala was arrested in February 1982 at a trade fair on security devices in Madrid. Spanish police carried out the arrest … Read more

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Robert Kennedy and the Middle East connection

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] its post-1967 conquered territory. An RFK presidency – increasingly possible as the ’68 bandwagon rolled on – would be bad news for greater Israel enthusiasts, with Kennedy’s liberal advisers putting on pressure for serious negotiation. And potential for leverage was certainly present in Operation Cyanide, which was, to date, the most sensitive secret in […]

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Kennedy assassination miscellany: Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

[…] of one of the major operating divisions of the Department of Plans – a cover for covert operations – part of that being the secret funding of liberal foundations and student organisations. When these activities were revealed (via Ramparts magazine) in the 1960s, Meyer was kicked upstairs to become head of the CIA London […]

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Who shot JFK

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

It now looks pretty certain to me that Kennedy’s assassination was the work of a local Texas conspiracy on behalf of, and with the knowledge of, the then Vice President Lyndon Johnson. Most of the extant evidence for this can be seen on the web site ‘The Men on the Sixth Floor’ (1) which advertises … Read more

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Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] Soldier turned academic (at the University of Exeter), Clutterbuck was best known for writing a series of books about urban guerillas, trade unions and other threats to liberal democracy in the 1970s. Of these Britain in Agony (Faber and Faber 1978) was the best known (and had the silliest title). David Floyd (obit Guardian […]

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Deep Black: the secrets of space espionage (Book Review) & Journals

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] compromise this work enough to mean that it is not definitive. Burrows is prepared to take the DIA’s Soviet Military Power at face value – something no liberal defence analyst is prepared to do – and also regards the process of actual analysis of overhead intelligence as a purely objective process, which the experience […]

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Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] disclosure of information. ‘In Scotland the Crown is allowed to modify or withhold evidence if it considers that withholding is in the “public interest”.’(21) Baker on Kelly Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker’s book The Strange Death of David Kelly (London: Politico’s Publishing) received extensive press coverage prior to its publication in November. According to […]

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Was the Director of Central Intelligence a Soviet agent?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] resigned from CIA, avoiding Angleton’s mole hunt, and went back to Vietnam. At this point political considerations at the highest level came into play. Colby, a self-described liberal, had a fortuitous personal connection with Richard Nixon. (Colby’s son was the roommate of Tricia Nixon’s fiancé, Edward Cox, who in 1970 was Jonathan Colby’s best […]

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