
Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] some the media treating as legitimate (the alleged KGB plot to murder the Pope in 1981), others dismissed as mere ‘conspiracy theories’ (the assassination of John F. Kennedy), according to political criteria easy to understand in our framework. Edwards doesn’t know about this — or about anything. In short, the notion that Chomsky says […]

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The big one? 9:11 Revealed. Challenging the facts behind the War on Terror

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Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] are some obvious similarities; but there are obvious differences, too. For one thing, if this was a fraud, it is infinitely bigger than the killing of JFK. Kennedy was just a politician and killing politicians isn’t that unusual in American history. Another difference is the existence of the Internet and the vast amount of […]

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22 November 1963 on CD-ROM

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] Dealey Plaza. These have been painstakingly plotted and appear to be accurate. The Text section constains the entire Warren Report, Jim Marrs’ Crossfire: the Plot that Killed Kennedy (New York, Carrroll and Graf, 1989) and The Assassination of JFK: A Complete Book of Facts, an almanac-style compendium of people, places, events and ideas compiled […]

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Publications and Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££

[…] how to order it see the display ad in this issue. The Third Decade is a new journal devoted to the research into the assassination of President Kennedy. It is said occasionally that the JFK assassination research industry has long since turned into a fully-fledged academic subject with its own specialisms and sub-sets. This […]

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Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] election). We need that America and the contest over America’s history is part of the wider struggle. The fact that after the Cuban missile crisis Kruschev and Kennedy were trying to reduce the influence of their military-industrial complexes and both failed (Kruschev’s fall caused by JFK’s death and the change of policies in America) […]

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Operation Black Dog

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] on station in the Red Sea. The source remains unable to identify from which of two carriers the aircraft launched (both the USS Saratoga and the USS Kennedy were on station in the Red Sea during this time-frame: 24/25 February 1991). Nor is the source able to provide exact date of this mission. The […]

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Western Goals (UK)

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] will be seen, there is good reason to believe that Western Goals (UK) has achieved exactly the sort of fusion of conservatism and authoritarian nationalism that George Kennedy Young had aimed for in the early 1970s. (9) Early Days Western Goals (UK) was founded in 1985 as the British wing of the American Western […]

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] the photograph in question does not show the face of the person passing the three ‘tramps’ as they were being arrested, I, along with most of the Kennedy researchers, have never taken the identification seriously. ()However, in a 1985 letter to Prouty, now on the Net, another soldier, General Victor Krulak, former CO of […]

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More Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] it gets. The only question is: who is going to implement any of this? A Blair-led Labour government certainly will not. ZR Rifle: The Plot to Kill Kennedy and Castro Claudia Furiati Ocean Press, Australia, 1994 Ocean Press, the page of publication details tells us, is based in Cuba, the book’s subtitle is ‘Cuba […]

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The Politics of Apolitical Culture: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA and post-war American hegemony

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] trips to New England in the glorious Fall for Labour MPs and extraordinarily high fees for contributing to Encounter. A few years ago in the John F Kennedy archive in Boston I came across some pleading letters from Roy Jenkins to his fellow Congress pal J. K. Galbraith seeking his help in arranging lucrative […]

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