Just Boris by Sonia Purnell

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] achieved such stardom? The Benny Hill aspect of his character has dominated so far, but there is every reason to believe that if he ever gets near real power we will see the Mussolini aspect coming to the fore. Johnson apparently has a ferocious temper in private and never forgives a slight. This makes […]

The Lone Star Speaks: Untold Texas Stories about the JFK Assassination by Sara Peterson and K. W. Zachry

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: The Lone Star Speaks Untold Texas Stories about the JFK Assassination Sara Peterson and K. W. Zachry Baltimore: Bancroft Press, 2020, $28.95 www.bancroftpress.com Robin Ramsay This is a very interesting and big book (over 500 pages if you include the end notes).1 The authors’ choice of format has determined the book’s shape. Each chapter focuses […]

Dirty Wars by Jeremy Scahill

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] it being speedily abandoned by Obama in favour of a more ‘economical’ strategy of assassination, the use of special forces and proxy armies. This is not a new approach, of course, but very much the traditional way the US used to police its informal empire. What is different today is the technology, the arrival […]

Tottenham burning: the minor practitioners of Soros’ “open society”

Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] more than a pathological sphere in which anonymous trader proxies shift around corners, disperse and regroup, stand about and watch or hurl missiles at edifices of the real economy and society. Masters of this kind of ‘social media’ do not evade police constables on foot, they dodge entire sovereign systems. Mr George Soros proudly […]

Secret Life of Uri Geller:CIA masterspy? by Jonathan Margolis

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] a sceptic – assuming Geller was a fraud, essentially – and ended up accepting that he wasn’t. This is in part a rehash of that with some new material added, the intelligence stuff – work with Mossad and the CIA – that was aired in the TV programme ‘The secret life of Uri Geller;’ […]

Lobster review: Direct Action, Issue #16 Autumn 2000

Lobster Issue

A review of Lobster in Direct Action, Issue #16 Autumn 2000

[PDF file]: […] Ramsey, which deals with cover-ups and conspiracy theories within the corridors ofpower. Previous editions have dealt with such issues as American and Tory intervention in British unions, New Labour and the spooks, JFK, and plots by MI5/6/CIA. That’s not to say that Lobster is pandering to the audience forever more bizarre conspiracy theories. There […]

That option no longer exists: Britain 1974-76 by John Medhurst

Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] social programmes and incomes policy – the socalled social contract – or the beginnings of ‘monetarism’ introduced, as per the 1976 IMF agreement? This book has end notes but no index. Robin Ramsay 3 The quotation and the paragraph following it are from an essay of mine at . 4 I sent a draft […]

All In It Together: England in the early 21st Century by Alwyn Turner

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the book, a rather less plausible young man, Conservative leader William Hague, was scythed down in the 2001 election, four months before the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. All Hague’s efforts had come pretty much to nothing – the Tories made a net gain of just one seat, and Labour’s majority […]

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