The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] of the 1970s: essentially Brigadier Frank Kitson’s attempt to use the methods developed in Kenya and Malaya – pseudogangs, assassination and false flag attacks – against the IRA. What comes through most strikingly in this account are: the sheer incompetence of it all – again and again these units shot the wrong people and […]

Kincora: abuse and the British state

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] William McGrath. A prominent Orangeman and right-wing Protestant zealot, he exerted a powerful influence on the development of Loyalist politics in the 197Os and 198Os as the IRA campaign of violence escalated. McGrath was the leader of a loyalist paramilitary organization called Tara and had two expressed hatreds: the Roman Catholic Church and Communism. […]

The ‘Tsarevich’ Nikolai Chebotarev and his links to British Intelligence

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Collon in the Irish Republic, run by Nikolai Couriss from 1932 to 1977. Couriss was also a close friend of Sean MacBride, Chief of Staff of the IRA. Dame Elizabeth Hill, professor of Slavonic studies and formerly director of the Joint Services School for Linguists, would send her students to him. The elderly survivors […]

Ian Cameron (obituary)

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] was the 1973 Scotland Yard/Special Branch secret solicitors blacklist. And finally when Essex Police mounted Operation Century (1996), using undercover Special Branch to role-play as life threatening IRA terrorists, there was no police accountability. Those on the receiving end of this spot of Special Branch adventurism complained but Essex Police got the Police Complaints […]

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