An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] or ‘handled’ James Early Ray in the months leading up to the shooting. Pepper tracked him down.) Alarm bells began to ring reading that: surely this is disinformation; it’s just too neat and tidy. Even if the FBI man is telling the truth about squirrelling the document away for 30 years, he’s been concealing […]

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Britain in the 90s: Up against the state

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] negatives survived and are now stored elsewhere.) Birds of a feather The situation deteriorated when I started to investigate the role of members of the intelligence and disinformation network, ‘the Aviary’ (see Lobster 25). Howard Blum of the New York Times, the author of Out There, warned me to be careful; others advised me […]

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The Last Supper: The Mafia, the Masons

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] obsession on Italian politics and what stemmed from it: corruption of all institutions, including the Catholic Church; drugs, violence, terrorism and assassination; conspiracy, literally, as normal politics; disinformation by the barrow-load. This book is full of incredible stories, leads, hints and allegations across 30 years of post-WW2 history. No book I have read recently […]

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Denis Healey (Book Review)

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] area Pearce refuses to take on board. There is nothing on the Wilson plots and the fact that Healey’s wartime flirtation with communism loomed large in MI5’s disinformation strategy. The entire 1974-7 period of hysteria on the right, intense covert operations and widespread psyops against the Wilson government, the Liberals, the left and the […]

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The secret of the 1917 ‘Balfour declaration’

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] obviously controversial, there is a huge body of literature, just on the Balfour Declaration alone. What follows (Section 2) deals mainly with the British imperialist conspiracy. Much disinformation still persists, such as Lloyd George’s story that it was a reward to Weizmann for his acetone production process as a contribution to the war effort. […]

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The Committee

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Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] his programme. This section, roughly the second half of the book, is very instructive indeed, describing very clearly how the state co-opts the media to run its disinformation. Eventually McPhilemy sued the Sunday Express and won, costing the Express about £500,000.(4) In October this year he began libel proceedings against the Sunday Times. The […]

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A short history of Lobster

Lobster Issue

[…] hysteria on the British right in the 1970s about the threat from the left and the belief of Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson that there was a disinformation campaign against him and his government. He was right: the hysteria and the campaign were largely the work of serving or former intelligence officers. We had […]

‘Privatising’ covert action: the case of the Unification Church

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] partially financed through little-scrutinized CIA discretionary funds and/or U.S. Embassy Counterpart Funds transmitted through Ray Cline, CIA Chief of Station in Taiwan from 1958-62 and now a disinformation specialist at Georgetown University’s Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). See Anderson and Anderson, pp. 54-5. For more on CSIS see Landis. See, e.g., APACL […]

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Directory of British Political Organisations, 1994

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] and probably sincere position on alleged racial differences. The entry for Searchlight summarises extensively the growing recognition on the ‘left’ of that journal’s involvement in dirty tricks, disinformation and role as an agency of the British intelligence services. But Mercer is surprisingly gentle with them, and should have commented upon and documented some of […]

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My encounter with George K. Young and Tory Action, 1979-1988

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] the Round Robin suggested that. He wanted MPs to feel that the party was behind Thatcher. I believe that much of what GKY said and did was disinformation. He wanted to create the impression he led a large, powerful group in the Tory Party, which wasn’t true. Until ‘New Labour’, the Tory Party dominated […]

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