The Myth of the SAS

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

Since the storming of the Iranian Embassy in London on 5 May 1980, the Special Air Service (SAS) has become a cultural phenomenon as much as a military one; has become, in the words of its former Director, Peter de la Billiere, ‘a living embodiment of the individualism of the British’. Their heroic exploits have … Read more

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A vote in the can is worth two for George Bush

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] of his insight shortly after election day. Who does Mr Morris think is to blame for the discrepancies in exit polling? Why, the usual monolithic conspiracy of liberal, leftie, terrorist-loving, media pantywaists, of course. Mr Morris’s extravagant claims are worth quoting at some length. ‘Exit polls,’ he (rightly) remarked, ‘are almost never wrong. They […]

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Publications and Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££

[…] Quite what Stuart’s ‘theory’ is, however, is less than clear. He writes variously of ‘International Finance-power capitalism”, “One World Monopolists”, “a World Federalist State”, the (US) “Eastern Liberal Establishment” the “Fabian oligarchy and the CFR boys of the perpetual hidden government”, and – best of all – “super-rich, capitalist, monopolist Fabian, gradualist Marxist collectivists, […]

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Peace plotting: Patriotism Perverted: Captain Ramsay, the Right Club and British anti-semitism 1939/1940

Book cover
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] time and money on funding Britons Publishing with Arnold Leese. Others who followed him remained politically active. Colonel Kerr (as Lord Teviot) organised the merger of the Liberal National Party with the Conservatives in 1947. Major Edmondson was Chairman of the Carlton Club until 1956. Lt. Commander Agnew remained MP for South Worcs until […]

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From roll back to blowback

Book cover
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

Blowback: the cost and consequences of American Empire Chalmers Johnson London, Little, Brown and Company London, 2000, £18.99 (hb) Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism John Cooley London, Pluto Press, London, 2000 £12.99 (pb) It has recently been revealed that the CIA inadvertently helped to create Soviet chemical and biological weapons by convincing the […]

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The crony capitalists: a fond farewell to some regular guys?

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] ‘One of them is that his brother is president.’(43) Conclusions? What is one to make of all of this? One could easily become a member of the liberal ‘elite’, so memorably described in the words of one of Dick Cheney’s Vice Presidential predecessors, Spiro Agnew: ‘….the raised-eyebrow cynics, the anti-intellectual intellectuals, the pampered egotists […]

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Vindication is a dish still edible when cold

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

Gordon Winter In Lobster 18, dated October 1989, under the headline: ‘Inside BOSS and After‘, you wrote the following: ‘Gordon Winter is an Englishman who was recruited by BOSS. His 1981 book Inside BOSS, was the first (and only) inside account of South Africa’s intelligence agency. We still think this is one of the most […]

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JFK: The two Oswalds. One Hell of a Gamble

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] authored by the pseudonymous ‘James Hepburn’ and reputed to be the product of French intelligence. The Nation has a long history of slagging off conspiracy theorists: its liberal slant is that political assassinations only occur abroad, never at home – unless, as with Letelier, they are of foreigners, by foreigners. So I got the […]

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The secret of the 1917 ‘Balfour declaration’

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] With Milner in South Africa (1936), vol. 8 of the Cambridge history of the British Empire (1929-59), 613-40, 34-8 J. Conway, The Round Table: a study in liberal imperialism, PhD diss., Harvard University, 1951 J. R. M. Butler, Lord Lothian (London: Macmillan, 1960) L. M. Thompson, The Unification of South Africa, 1902-1910 (New York: […]

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Book cover
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] the succession as a hard liner, boosted by that year’s Orange victory at Drumcree, which he and Paisley had celebrated hand in hand. He defeated the ‘ liberal’ candidate, Ken Maginnis, but it seems clear that he had already decided peace on Unionist terms was possible. The problem was not to be the republicans […]

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