
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] the Western Sahara, Vanunu etc. Among the authors of these pieces are Anita Roddick and George Galloway MP. I suppose it represents the internationalism of the pre- Blair Labour party, and though its subject matter didn’t ring any bells for me, its appearance is welcome. £12 for 12 issues, cheques made payable to TUCND, […]

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The Fortean Times Book of the Millennium

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Highly enjoyable and entertaining, anyway. There is one conspicuous absentee here. The major British millennial cult is the New Labour group currently fronting the Labour Party. Tony Blair gives every indication to me of being about to drift away on a pillow of guff from his moorings among the rest of us.(1) Notes Preparing […]

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Let my people go

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] People’s Alliance all support that call for a ban on ‘manipulation weapons’. But the British government, formed by the Labour Party’s leader in Parliament, Prime Minister Tony Blair, has stubbornly refused to adopt a policy of banning manipulation weapons. So has the lower house of the national legislature in the USA, where Congress rejected […]

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The state in politics: Wallace, Holroyd and Lobster

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Politics: Security Intelligence and the Liberal Democratic State, was reviewed in Lobster 27. This may reflect one of the core, unstated beliefs at the heart of the Blair ‘modernisation’ of the Labour Party. Modernisation equals pre-emptive capitulation. I seem to remember that the Canadian model was cited as an exemplar in a resolution on […]

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Rebranding SIS

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] is making in-roads into the USA. Sunday Times, 30 July 2000 The Punch story, in issue 117, October 2000, about Sir John Browne of BP, Prime Minister Blair and the Russian oil money comes to mind – unless the retired SIS officer that sits on BP’s board forgot to check out the latest news […]

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The Party of Business and the Business of Parties

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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] historical relic of an early twentieth century stitch-up. Those that didn’t were in a minority, and they probably couldn’t stomach any Labour leader for very long anyway. Blair has probably grasped that nettle somewhat better than did Harold Wilson, whose efforts to keep everybody on board probably damaged his health. Do far cats call […]

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Who were they travelling with? SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party

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Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] of the Gang of Four, the strength of the traditional two-party system and the subsequent changes in the Labour Party under Neil Kinnock, John Smith and Tony Blair, the ‘mould breakers’ were doomed from the outset. Yet while all these domestic factors may have some merit we cannot ignore the strategic context in which […]

Freedom from America: For safeguarding democracy and the economic and cultural integrity of peoples

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] discover that he is a member of Labour Reform, the group – to which I briefly belonged – which has been trying, without success, to resist the Blair faction’s destruction of the Labour Party. It isn’t just a cheap point to note that Mr Corfe may have plans to save the world from America […]

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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] reporting in places like Chechnya left states such as Russia free to write their own account of complex and far-reaching conflicts.’ Scott’s death guarantees it. Doubtless, as Blair met with Putin in the latter’s hunting lodge, 11 October 2002, the Russian President – his menu of demands in return for compliance with America-versus-Iraq in […]

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After Iraq: some FCO/SIS issues

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] like President Putin’s, do not serve British interests, including moral objectives, any more than Mossad’s do. (The last of these could be the reason why Prime Minister Blair has linked his name to ‘saving’ Africa. Previously it was Palestine.) The ‘benefits’ of torture Meantime, Chief Scarlett is presented to the public as an expert […]

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